Clay Harbor predicts Bachelorette Becca Kufrin’s top three guys

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin /

NFL player Clay Harbor isn’t competing for Bachelorette Becca’s heart anymore, but he predicts Becca will end up with one of these three guys.

Clay Harbor decided to ditch his group date rose earlier in the season, something that disappointed many fans who hoped he would stick around for awhile.

Although he’s focused on getting back on the field with the NFL, he took some time out to make a prediction about the guys he thinks will make it the furthest this season. Or, at least these are the guys he thinks have the best shot at getting Becca’s final rose.

More from Accept This Rose

During an interview with Good Morning Football, Kufin had only nice things to say about Becca.

Of course, he did! He’s a NICE guy who isn’t spending his post-Bachelorette days promoting cheesy perfume on Instagram (hey, Jean Blanc).

Who are Clay’s top three picks for Becca?

Clay made his picks based on NFL teams because that’s how he rolls.

Let’s hope Clay’s first prediction doesn’t lead to a big mistake on Becca’s part.

“So if the guys were NFL franchises,” Clay told Good Morning Football, “the Patriots are always the favorite, so I’ll go with Colton Underwood is the Patriots.”

If you’re up for a spoiler, here’s what happens with Colton — and it’s quite possibly the only dramatic storyline of the season.

Clay went on to pick Blake as another choice in his top three lineup.

“Then you’ve got the Eagles, a defending champion… I’d say ‘the horse guy. [Blake Horstmann]. He’s the Eagles, a team that is up and coming and has a good chance to win.”

Rounding out the top three is (total shocker) Garrett Yrigoyen.

Clay compared Garrett to the “up and coming Jaguars team” saying “Garrett might surprise some people.”

Well, we’re not surprised, Clay. Once Becca went on her first one-on-one with Garrett, she seemed to be going through the motions with the other guys.

Clay claims he knows how the season turns out (of course he does – he’s friends with most of the guys!).

However, he missed the mark if he was prediction which guys made it to the Fantasy Suite. Or maybe producers told him not to try to throw fans off course. Who knows.

Becca has already confirmed that she is engaged, but we didn’t have to wait for Reality Steve’s spoilers this season. TMZ leaked out photos of the final rose ceremony weeks ago.

Next: The Bachelorette weekly rose ceremony elimination spoilers

Watch the Bachelorette on Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.