Bullying Bachelor contestant Krystal is not okay: ‘Krystal needs to die’ ‘Jump her!’

The Bachelor contestant Krystal Nielson got this season’s villain edit, but some fans — and former contestants — are taking things a bit too far.

Every season, Bachelor producers find a way to turn a normal human being into a villain. This time around, it’s Krystal. And yes, she’s a little aggressive when it comes to stealing time with Arie, but does it warrant trashing her on social media? It’s okay to poke fun at the contestants, but the nastiness is out of control this season.

Some fans who have jumped on board to criticize Krystal (and make fun of her voice — really?) are the same fans who are tweeting about #MeToo and women’s rights. You do realize it’s an overly-produced TV show, right? And I see you, too, guys — former Bachelorette contestants who will probably wait outside the Women Tell All taping to try to hit on the same girl they are talking smack about on social media.

“Jump her!”

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 Without drama, the Bachelor would be as thrilling as watching Arie talk about what excites him (“excitement”). 

So, in order to get the drama we crave, producers edit conversations, manipulate situations (“Go interrupt Arie!”), and make us think the villain — currently Krystal — is the worst person in the world.

And they probably make her whisper, too. Because it gets everyone talking.

What if that IS her real voice?

Does that warrant this tweet from former Bachelor in Paradise contestant Diggy Moreland?

He suggests the other girls “jump” Krystal. A tweet that got 1,400 re-tweets, by the way.

Spread the word — go jump someone because they whisper. Not cool, Diggy, even if it’s supposed to be funny.

Diggy Moreland Tweet Krystal Bachelor
Diggy Moreland Tweet Krystal Bachelor

“Krsytal needs to die.”

Louis, you need to get off social media. Krystal is a reality TV contestant. And a woman who doesn’t deserve your death threat just because she’s trying to win the final rose. Isn’t that the point of the show?

She’s also doing good things for others — like bringing food to homeless people. What have you done lately, Louis?

Tweet Krystal Bachelor
Tweet Krystal Bachelor

Apparently, Louis isn’t the only one who needs apologize to Krystal…

And here’s another Bachelor fan who thinks violence is a good way to put an end to the producer-created drama on The Bachelor. 


This Bachelor fan is spreading the word that Tide Pods is a better option than listening to Krystal speak. Right, I get it — it’s a joke. But some people believe everything they read on Twitter. And everything they watch on the Bachelor. 

Poking fun at the contestants — and Arie — is part of what makes the show fun. But suggesting violence or self-harm? Check your Twitter fingers at the door because that needs to stop.

[Featured Image via Krystal Nielson/Instagram]