The Bachelorette Season 17, Episode 1: Worst moment: “I don’t like you, bro.”
Okay, did I miss something here, or did the drama between Aaron and Cody come entirely out of nowhere? All we saw was a single exchange in which Aaron told Cody, “I don’t like you, bro. I’ve never liked you.”
So they know each other? Why doesn’t Aaron like Cody?
When I heard the phrase, “It’s not my fault I don’t like you, bro,” I almost had to walk away from my television.
I have to blame the editing here and assume there are details to this conflict that were not shown. But why? I have to assume Aaron and Cody were cast together partially because of the drama between them, so why would the show pass up an opportunity to explore it, especially during a premiere with so little drama?
Why was this drama left unexplained?
This points to a larger problem we’ve seen develop in the franchise, especially over the past few seasons—certain narratives or conflicts get a lot of airtime, while others are painfully glossed. over. Viewers don’t just want to see statements of “I don’t like you,” they want to know the reasons why!
Even if all we got were explanations from each of the men in interviews or through chats with the other men, it still would have been better than nothing! Here’s hoping this non-conflict is fleshed out in episodes to come.
And we’re off to a great start, right?
What did you think of The Bachelorette Season 17 premiere? Let us know in the comments below!