The Bachelor Season 25: Heroes and Villains of Week 6

THE BACHELOR - Ò2505Ó Ð With a rose ceremony looming, Matt has a few tough conversations, making it clear to the house that toxic behavior wonÕt fly; but not everyone takes that news to heart and one woman finds herself in an emotional spiral of denial. Later, the group date showcases MattÕs country roots and reveals who is comfortable getting down and dirty. Two one-on-one dates lead to a shopping spree for one woman and a delicious home-cooked meal for the other on ÒThe Bachelor,Ó airing MONDAY, FEB. 1 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)RACHAEL, MATT JAMES
THE BACHELOR - Ò2505Ó Ð With a rose ceremony looming, Matt has a few tough conversations, making it clear to the house that toxic behavior wonÕt fly; but not everyone takes that news to heart and one woman finds herself in an emotional spiral of denial. Later, the group date showcases MattÕs country roots and reveals who is comfortable getting down and dirty. Two one-on-one dates lead to a shopping spree for one woman and a delicious home-cooked meal for the other on ÒThe Bachelor,Ó airing MONDAY, FEB. 1 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)RACHAEL, MATT JAMES

We are officially in week 6 of The Bachelor Season 25 with none other than Matt James! We are now more than halfway through the competition/season thus far, and let’s just say this season’s been one for the books: back-to-back actually super dramatic seasons within the reality TV show franchise?! I never would’ve guessed.

Be sure to let us know down in the comments about your thoughts on this season thus far!

As per usual, the villains are mostly just around for the views per the producers’ requests, however, they still are fun to watch.

Now, with all of that in mind over here, let’s take a look at the heroes and villains of The Bachelor Season 25 night six.

If you’re a fan of The Bachelor, then be sure to follow their Instagram right here for some updates and sneak peeks!

*In case you haven’t seen The Bachelor Season 25, Week 6 yet, there may be some spoilers ahead, so beware!*


The Bachelor Season 25, Episode 6: Heroes

#1: Jessenia

So, here’s the thing with Jessenia: She straight-up sent a b**** home. Hero, enough said, am I right?! MJ just freaking irritated me in their whole feud/mean-girl situation, so I’m glad she’s gone. I really did LOVE MJ in the beginning, but she needs to know how to handle herself (like Jessenia).

Congrats, J-girl. I’m so so proud of you, girly! Keep. It. Up.

#2: Katie

So, here’s the thing with Katie: She’s unapologetically herself. You go, girl! As far as Serena goes, go do something productive or go home. “I can’t reason with crazy.” was the line of the century/season.

(ABC/Craig Sjodin) MATT JAMES, MJ
(ABC/Craig Sjodin) MATT JAMES, MJ

The Bachelor Season 25, Episode 6: Villains

#1: MJ

So, here’s the thing with MJ: #1- She’s rude, conniving, and also b****y, while we’re going at it. All of the negative adjectives above. She just didn’t know how to handle herself when she got caught up in a web…of her very OWN lies.

#2: Serena C.

So, here’s the thing with Serena C.: #1 – She straight-up called out Katie for no reason pre-rose ceremony. You’ll never end up with Matt anyway so I’m not that mad. Tick tock.

That’s a wrap on this week’s list of heroes and villains!

Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25? Share them in the comments below!