Who could potentially be heading to the beaches of Bachelor in Paradise from this week’s episode of The Bachelor?
Week five of The Bachelor Season 25 has come to an end, which means we have a new group of ladies who were sent home. Out of those women sent home by our Bachelor Matt James, which ones may we see in Bachelor in Paradise? Keep reading to find out.
Each week we break down each woman sent home and her probability of going to Paradise. Not only that, but we try and pair them up with a man from previous Bachelorette seasons or who we think they would connect with.
We have already seen quite a few ladies go home this season including fan favorites Marylynn Sienna and Khaylah Epps, along with a few others.
Moving into this week, it’s the episode we have all been waiting for, the infamous fall of the mean girls. And boy did they all fall. Anna Redman was the first women sent home, and it happened before the rose ceremony. Lauren Maddox, Mari Pepin, and Catalina Morales were all sent home during the rose ceremony, but it was the demise of Queen Victoria that stole the rose ceremony show.

Bachelor In Paradise contender #1: Anna Redman
As I said earlier, Anna was sent home before any of the rose ceremony roses were given out. Matt finally had enough of the bullying and harassment going on within the house and decided to take a stand. He pulled Anna aside to get her story, but I think his mind was made up by that point. Matt let Anna know he wouldn’t be dealing with any of this and she would need to leave the show. LOVE IT.
Did she deserve to leave abruptly like that? YES. She called someone’s character out and made up a rumor that could seriously affect someone’s day to day life. Not cool. When Matt laid the hammer down, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one to sigh from relief.
As for Bachelor in Paradise, how could production not bring Anna back? Not only for her dramatic relationship with Victoria Larson but because of all the beef she has with the other women already. Can you imagine that war on a resort somewhere tropical, it’s just too funny to pass up!
Moving onto love interests, I think most of her time spent on the show will include drama and rumors, not necessarily men. But if I had to pair her up with someone, two people come to mind, Chasen Nick and Yosef Aborady.
Why? because they all seem to be more concerned with drama than finding love. Other than the drama, I can weirdly see Anna and Yosef getting along because of their strong personalities. Both were pretty vocal on their seasons and could catch each other’s eye.