It’s official–Matt James is our new man for The Bachelor Season 25! Which of his ladies are heroes and which ones seemed more like villains after night three?
It’s no secret as to who the main villain of Matt’s season is, and to be honest with you, I feel really bad for Matt because you know full well that he doesn’t want Victoria around any longer, but production is forcing him to; in fact, the way that he gave her the final rose at the opening ceremony at the beginning of the episode, just made me feel uncomfortable.
Anyways, the villains are mostly just around for the views per the producers’ requests, however, they still are fun to watch. While the villains mostly don’t make it further than most of the other girls, it’s pure entertainment, and in all honesty, I love watching them, but also hate it; I hate that I love it so much ugh (this is the definition of a true guilty pleasure, am I right, ladies and gents?).
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the heroes and villains of The Bachelor Season 25 night three.
If you’re a fan of The Bachelor, then be sure to follow their Instagram right here for some updates and sneak peeks!
Let us know your thoughts down in the comments of who is on your own list of heroes and villains for night three!
*In case you haven’t seen The Bachelor Season 25, Week 3 yet, there may be some spoilers ahead, so beware!*
Be sure to let us know who some of your personal favorites were of the night as well!
The Bachelor Season 25, Episode 3: Heroes
#1: Rachael
Rachael was so cute in the romance writing group date. She was awkward and uncomfortable in the cutest ways possible. She’s someone that I definitely see going under the radar in Matt’s eyes, so it’ll be pretty interesting to see how far she makes it on this season.

The Bachelor Season 25, Episode 3: Villains
#1: Victoria
It’s Victoria, duh! Not much more needs to be said, am I right?!
#2: Sarah
Sarah interrupted the group date while Katie and Matt were having some serious conversations when this all really could’ve waited until the cocktail party or until the group date wasn’t happening.
Let me tell ya: no one, and I mean no one likes an “interrupter” (ugh, eyes in a full-on roll “bye Felicia”)!
That’s a wrap on this week’s list of heroes and villains!
Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25? Share them in the comments below!