The Bachelor Season 25 was a whole lot of cringe during this week’s erotica storytelling group date.
The Bachelor Season 25 inspired us to write a little something like this after that very cringe (and awkward) group date:
"Oh, how she had longed for this moment. Her first time feeling complete in so long. Her lips pursed slightly, leaning forward – her long wait for satisfaction, for joy, was finally over. As they met the rim of the glass, her lips signaled her brain that ecstasy was immediately forthcoming. Boxed wine! Oh, how she had missed the sweet, dark, reasonably priced taste that danced in her mouth. Breaking into a sweat, her fingers clumsily fumbling in a long forgotten, yet instantly recognizable way. As she clutched it tightly in her hand, thumb knowingly located the buttons of the remote and found what was missing in her life. Monday nights and The Bachelor. It would all be finished far too soon, but she fully surrendered to her private, albeit slightly guilty, pleasure."
That type of writing is exactly what probably caused you to cringe while watching this week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25. In what could only have been another angle to increase the book sales for Chris Harrison the group date of the week is a stage presentation of erotic writing by the girls in attendance.
Say what? You didn’t know Chris Harrison is the published author of erotica novel, The Perfect Letter? Perhaps you were sleeping during the summer’s airing of The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons – Ever! as it was prominently placed behind his door-transformed-to-desk as seen here.

Each woman that had the opportunity to spew their erotica for all of America to see was greeted with censored bleeps as they clearly needed to use very graphic words to depict an appealing picture for Matt James. The most censored piece was likely none other than Queen Victoria and her reading of erotic fiction which seemingly turned into a submission to Penthouse magazine.
As the erotica date comes to a close, half of the contestants get to move on to the after-party with Matt James. This included Katie (“Good Vibes”) Thurston and Queen Victoria Larson. It did not, however, include Sarah Trott.
Sarah already had a one-on-one date with Matt and had earned a rose before she fainted at the ceremony during last week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25. The meltdown first begins when she isn’t chosen to go to the afterparty. Matt begins the after-party with some one-on-one time with Rachael Kirkconnell and followed by Bri Springs.
Meanwhile, another date card lands at “the house” to inform Serena Pitt she got the coveted one-on-one. Sarah Trott was nowhere to be found during the delivery of this said date card. And that was because her emotional exhaustion got the best of her.
She is seen walking the halls and ultimately before a break, we learn she shows up uninvited at the group date after party while Matt is having private time with Katie. This is where the episode starts to unravel and we are given so many new opportunities to cringe.

After having her conversation with Matt interrupted by Sarah, Katie coyly announces that information to the group, with predictable results. While initially put off, she seems to accept that all is fair, even in Bachelor Nation. The rest of the pack, ramped up by hours of snark
surrounding Sarah’s day-long disappearance cannot let that stand.
Nothing is more cringe-inducing than a gaggle of competitors smelling the blood of the presumed frontrunner in the water. Pouncing predictably, they send a newly puffed-up Katie back to demand her time with Matt, leading to one of the most truly bizarre negotiations on this show. “Five minutes?” “No. I’ll give you two, and I’ll awkwardly wait over here.” Katie must be a delight when buying a used car.
Sarah is on a decision making roll now, so she thinks it’s a good idea to explain her choice to crash the afterparty to the ‘Sarah Hater’s Club’. I’ve seen sharks give seals more compassion than what she receives. Her reticence in explaining her true motivation only makes it worse, and it makes for some of the cringiest moments of this young season.
Negative points awarded to Sarah and Victoria and Katie somehow emerges looking like a better competitor than when she showed up on opening night with her “friend”. She follows the whole mess up with what appeared to be a genuine heart-to-heart with Sarah before she completed her self-immolation. Katie will be one to watch!

If Sarah’s self-implosion wasn’t already taking a turn for the cringe-worthy, Queen Victoria has been shopping again and this time chose a dress with pantyhose as sleeves. Victoria’s “secret” is anything but because she is showing a different color bra strap this week. Matt joins the women of the group date again only to conclude it by presenting his group date rose to Rachael Kirkconnell. He did not address the Sarah situation at this time.
Matt moves on to have a great one-on-one date with Serena P. and donkeys. There was virtually nothing to cringe at during their date. We did learn that neither of them is very experienced in the serious relationship realm which was eyebrow-raising, but not cringe-worthy. They kiss in the portable hot tub.
Back at “home”, Katie informs the remaining girls that Sarah is going home and that a huge factor was a looming family issue. Katie encourages the girls to “stay classy”. If there was ever a team captain selected in the contestant “house”, it would be Katie!
Sarah then visits Matt to inform him it is time for her to go. Instead of stating that her dad’s health was the catalyst, she made it very clear that she was feeling very attacked and bullied by the other contestants and that she’s just not cut out for this.
Will we experience the latest trend of the Bachelor boomerang and see Sarah come back in the coming weeks? I guess time will tell.
The week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25 did not provide us with a rose ceremony and ended with Sarah’s limo tears. So with that in mind, do you have predictions of the next rose ceremony? Share them with us in the comments below!