The Bachelor: Peter Weber’s ex speaks out about Victoria Fuller

ABC/Maarten de Boer
ABC/Maarten de Boer

If you thought this season of The Bachelor couldn’t get messier, then, well, you’re less cynical than I. As it turns out, one of Peter’s ex-girlfriends knows Victoria Fuller – and not in a good way.

Bachelor Nation, the fourth wall is officially demolished. Between the guest appearance by a contestant’s ex-boyfriend, and Alayah returning to the show with information gleaned from the internet, this season of The Bachelor has officially turned into Black Mirror.

As it turns out, we’re in for another behind-the-scenes treat. Peter Weber’s ex-girlfriend Merissa Pence revealed to Us Weekly that not only is she from Victoria Fuller’s hometown, Virginia Beach, but she knows her personally – and suffice it to say they’re not in each other’s Myspace Top 8.

Let’s start with some backstory. Merissa and Peter dated briefly in 2012, and “had a great relationship.” While she met the Webers and spent abundant time with all of them, their relationship was fairly casual and ended amicably; Merissa noted the two of them remained friends for quite a while.

Enter Victoria Fuller. Merissa met Victoria through mutual friends a few years later, and…it’s safe to say they won’t be in each other’s wedding parties.

"We became friends when I moved back from Los Angeles about three years ago. Our first encounter was that she told me she was going to slash my tires because I was hanging out with one of her ex-boyfriends."

Well, that escalated quickly. To say they didn’t hit it off instantly would be putting it mildly. I presume Merissa’s tires were never slashed, as eventually, through another mutual friend, the two forged a “forced friendship.” That quickly devolved once Merissa caught wind of Victoria’s eventual appearance on The Bachelor.

"Obviously I had my moment because I’m like, you could possibly be with my ex-boyfriend and that’s a little weird, but like, I never asked her not to go on the show or anything because that’s silly. But we went out one night for our friend Audrey’s birthday and it turned into the Victoria Fuller show, because it was three weeks out that she was about to leave for The Bachelor, and she just became a very self-centered person. We were all out for our friend’s birthday and she was just acting crazy. Just wanting all the attention and it was very distasteful."

Victoria sounds like she’d be a blast at parties. The next revelation made me laugh out loud. At some point, she legitimately hit Merissa with a “do you know who I am?” The Queen of England? An aggressive girl from Virginia Beach? Sia? Shockingly, Merissa severed the ties of this ‘friendship’, as Victoria” has no respect for anybody around her and [I] just don’t want to be associated with that.” We, the jury, co-sign that move.

Moreover, Victoria’s shyness and bashful nature on the show? According to Merissa, it’s all an act.

"If there is a guy she wants, she’s like, ‘He’s mine.’ There is a one-way street there and nobody else is getting involved. She just thinks that the world revolves around her and she’s the hottest thing that’s ever hit this planet. And actually the most disturbing thing so far of all of this was the lingerie episode that she just acted like she was this coy person. The people in Virginia Beach are even seeing that that’s not you at all. You’re always the one in the bar wanting attention."

Not the linger-y! Yikes. This is a bad look. While it’s only one side of the story, Merissa hasn’t exactly been running around capitalizing on her former relationship with Peter and seeking attention. While correlation does not equal causation, in seasons past, when a (sometimes current) ex-girlfriend has spoken out, it’s usually for good reason. If this was all a smokescreen, it wouldn’t make much sense for Merissa to invite public scrutiny and offer herself as tribute for this all to be lies. And from what she’s revealed thus far, it’s not a pretty picture of Victoria’s true colors.

Without divulging spoilers, Bachelor Nation, buckle up for next’s week’s episode, because all of this is going to come to a head. No one’s skeletons are locked in an impenetrable closet.

What do you think about Merissa’s revelation of the ‘real’ Victoria Fuller? Do you think her shyness has all been an act? Let us know in the comments!