Former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin shared her thoughts on Peter’s season of The Bachelor and his dramatic state of the unio- I mean mansion.
The Bachelor this season has certainly been…turbulent (I know, sorry). In fact, viewers have been wondering if production interference has actually gotten to be too much. Monday’s episode saw a lot of behind-the-scenes work with the Chase Rice performance and the return of Alayah.
The tension has taken a toll on Peter and his women and has not gone unnoticed, even by former leads of the show.
Becca Kufrin had similar sentiments when she shared her thoughts this Wednesday with Us Weekly:
"I always lead with this: I like Peter so much. He has such a big heart. He just is a really kind soul, so I really do want him to hopefully find someone. That being said, I think it’s a struggle this season. He has been dealt a hard hand and we’re all trying to figure it out and being the lead, there’s no roadmap for it. You just kind of have to go with what you’re given. And he was given a tough group of girls, to say the least, and he’s just trying to figure it out."
And by tough, she didn’t mean like Tammy the badass. Like many of us watching at home, Becca has also been plagued with The Bachelor burnout–it’s certainly been a tad too dramatic for my taste thus far. Respectfully, she was cognizant of the difficulties that come with being a lead, but at the end of the day, there’s no one else who’s able to lead his season and he needs to step up and fill that void.

She continued that she wished Peter was “a little bit more steadfast and just set in his decisions just because right now, just me as a viewer, I’m questioning certain things. I’m like, ‘Why are you doing this? Why are you letting her come back?
Or why are you just condoning the drama and allowing it to happen?’” Becca rightfully points out that Peter is ultimately in the driver’s seat and, while production can play their hands behind the scenes, it’s Peter who has made the calls to let women back and to entertain the drama rather than squashing it outright.
"It’s difficult to watch right now. I think as it goes on, he’ll figure it out. I think once more of the girls are removed and that drama is removed, he’ll be fine."
You and me both, Becca. For one, there are absolutely way too many girls on the show four weeks in. It’s not just the over-saturation of the contestants; there’s been a complete lack of actual connections being made, or at least shown to viewers.
Seriously, think about it. We saw Peter have a great connection with Madi, for example, after their one-on-one date in Week 1. In last week’s group date, however, we saw no progress in that – instead, we were subjected to yet another saga of everyone for some reason being mad at Alayah.
For comparative purposes, while we did have some serious drama on the rugby date, week 4 last season saw Hannah go on dates with Tyler and Voldemort. Of note, they ended up as her final two. The emotions in that episode were palpable. The emotions thus far in Peter’s season have been absent.
Fortunately, or not, depending on how you look at a five-hour Bachelor marathon, by the end of next week we’ll likely have a significant departure of contestants, and, hopefully, a significant reduction in the drama. I’m tired, Becca’s tired, we’re all tired. Champagne Gate truly seems like it happened in 2005 at this point.
Do you agree with Becca’s take on Peter’s season of The Bachelor? Are you, too, tired of this drama-fest? Let us know your thoughts!