Arie Luyendyk Jr seems like a really nice guy, but he’s a top contender for the Most Boring Bachelor in history award. And the girls? Total yawn-fest.
We were excited for Janu-Arie, but, as the month comes to a close, we’re wondering how we will make it through another five weeks of Bachelor boredom without chugging a triple shot of espresso every time Arie says, “amazing.”
Every Monday, we tune in to see if Arie will finally get a stylist and wear something other than sneakers and t-shirts on a one-on-one date. We’re still waiting for the most shocking moment of the season when Arie shows up with grown-up clothes on. You know, a pair of dress shoes and a nice shirt that doesn’t look like he borrowed it from Jef Holm‘s closet?
Granted, the girls swoon over Arie like he’s from New Kids on the Block. Whether they are really into him or just there to increase their Instagram followers is not clear.
But, one thing’s for sure — producers are pushing some of the girls to pretend they are crazy in love (Tia!?) with a guy who thinks excitement is exciting.
It’s not just Arie
We mean no disrespect to Arie — there’s no doubt he’s a sweet guy. And who knows, maybe the rumors are wrong and he is ready to settle down. But this season is just so … blah.
And the girls aren’t helping. There’s way too much talk about Krystal. She’s not even a good villain — and we hardly think she’s the crazy person producers are making her out to be.
We miss the real crazy.
Kelsey Poe would liven things up.

Or Tierra and her eyebrow.
And let’s not forget Ashley S.
Will we wake up in Febru-Arie?
Arie and his remaining girls will head to Paris next week (Ep. 6, February 5), so at least we get to do some virtual travel. And there’s some anticipation about the 2-on-1 date (Kendall the taxidermy enthusiast vs Krystal).
It all sounds so predictable, unless Arie sends Kendall home. Then this season will momentarily lose its yawn-fest status.
Next: Lauren B. called off her wedding before joining The Bachelor