Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay confirmed that she’s engaged but she wasn’t supposed to spoil the outcome of the final rose ceremony.
It’s clear Rachel Lindsay can’t keep a secret. The Bachelorette star has been gushing about how much she loves her fiancé all season. She’s under strict orders to keep the name of her final pick a secret until the finale, but she finally slipped up.
After taping the Men Tell All last weekend, Rachel talked with Access Hollywood about the guys who showed up at the MTA. She also dished on her recent “Happy Couple Weekend” she spent with her final pick. It didn’t take long for her to spoil the outcome of the show. (video below)
Former Bachelor in Paradise star Ashley Iaconetti was handling cast interviews for Access Hollywood during the MTA taping. When she caught up with Rachel, she asked about Rachel’s relationship with her new man.
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Rachel confirmed (in the video below) that she recently spent a three-day weekend with her final pick, aka a “Happy Couple Weekend.” Ashley asked what they do while they are locked in the house together for three days.
Rachel gave away her final pick in two sentences.
She was so excited to tell Ashley how they spent their time together, she forgot that Bachelor addicts (like me) are quick to pick up on even the tiniest details that hint at who the winner is.
“For myself and my fiance, we both love sports. So we literally wake up and watch Sports Center, watch everything else all sports,” Rachel told Ashley.
That could be Peter, Dean, or Eric, right? Sure! But let’s take a look at Bryan’s Bachelorette ABC cast bio.
In his profile, producers ask Bryan: “What is your favorite television show and why?”
His answer? Sports Center. I love sports and love talking sports with my friends, so I get most information from that show and sports talk radio.”
Sports Center. Sports. Sports. And more sports!
Yes, Rachel. We know you picked Bryan. We don’t even need spoilers this season. It’s been clear from the season premiere that Bryan would get the final rose.
Of course, there will be fans who say that all three guys probably love watching sports. Let’s take a look at their bios.
Peter: What is your favorite television show and why? Modern Family. It’s hilarious and carefree.
And Eric? He doesn’t mention sports at all. But in all fairness, he’s only asked about his favorite movies (Blue Chips, Bad Boys and Equalizer).
Of course, we could be wrong. Rachel’s a smart woman. Maybe she’s throwing us a curve-ball. But something tells us she’s just so happy that she can’t contain herself.
Maybe she didn’t read Bryan’s cast bio?
Watch the Bachelorette Men Tell All on Monday, July 31 followed by the season finale on August 7 at 8 pm ET on ABC.
Next: Here's why Peter should NOT be the next Bachelor
[Featured pic by ABC]