Joey Graziadei's time as The Bachelor is quickly coming to an end with only a few weeks left in his search for love. It seems like Joey's season only just begun yet he's meeting the families tonight, heading to overnights next, and soon will be introducing a few lucky women to his own family before ultimately getting down on one knee on finale night to ask one woman to marry him.
All season long, Bachelor Nation fans who enjoy a good spoiler have thought we've had the answer to who Joey ends up with this season thanks to Reality Steve's early spoilers. However, new photos left many fans wondering whether our favorite Bachelor Nation sleuth might have gotten things wrong as they suggested Joey might not end up with the woman Reality Steve reported he does!
That's right, Bachelor Nation, things are getting interesting in the spoiler forums because Reality Steve has since confirmed his original winner pick was incorrect.
Warning: The Bachelor season 28 spoilers ahead!

Reality Steve claimed Joey ends up with Daisy
Before Joey's season of The Bachelor even began, longtime Bachelor Nation sleuth Reality Steve managed to get his hands on intel about the latest season of the show including the name of the woman Joey ended up with. Reality Steve initially reported that Joey ends up with Daisy Kent at the end of the season. Not only are the pair reported to have ended up together, but early spoilers suggested that Daisy and Joey got engaged during the finale and are still together post-show.
This news got many fans excited as Bachelor Nation has been loving the sweet relationship forming between Joey and Daisy over the course of the season. So the fact that Reality Steve indicated Daisy was who Joey ended up with at the end of the season got Bachelor Nation excited to watch their journey unfold.
However, new rumors surfaced ahead of hometowns that revealed that Reality Steve got the winner wrong and that Joey ends up with another woman from his season... a woman Reality Steve previously reported makes it to the Final 2!

Joey might end up with Kelsey Anderson
Although we've been working off the assumption that Joey ends up with Daisy at the end of the season, new photos floating around social media and Reddit suggested that Joey instead ended up with Kesley Anderson.
In the photos that have surfaced online, Bachelor Nation fans pointed out that upon looking closely at Joey and Kelsey’s recent TikTok posts and Instagram Stories, there are several similarities in the pair’s backgrounds which seems to suggest that the pair end up together, and that Reality Steve might have been wrong.
“The pictures show that Joey and his possible F1 were at the same Safe House Visit because their backgrounds match the house that is used for SHV’s,” read the caption on the Instagram account from Bachelor fan account Bachelor Nation Scoop sharing a series of photos that compare similarities to the backgrounds in Joey and Kelsey’s recent posts. (On background, SHV is code for Safe House Visit among Bachelor Nation meaning the place where the lead and their winner are able to share time together after filming behind closed doors to prevent spoilers.)
In the photos from Joey and Kesley’s social posts, we can see their backgrounds share several similarities including the same wine fridge, backyard fence and overhead wires/shrubs, the same bedroom rug, and similar flooring and wall sockets. Clearly, there is something going on as the similarities are right there before our eyes in the photos and the number of crossovers definitely has raised some eyebrows among Bachelor Nation.
So what should we believe? Well, Reality Steve initially addressed the photos circulating and the rumor that Joey might end up with Kelsey on his Reality Steve Podcast in which he did not rule out the potential that this could be true. Instead, he made it clear to his followers that this is the first piece of evidence that contradicts his spoiler report and that he is looking into the matter.
“What’s happened now in the last couple days is the first hard evidence I’ve gotten all season [that contradicts the spoiler]. So that’s what I’m working on," Reality Steve noted in his podcast.
Reality Steve now says Kelsey Anderson wins Joey's season of The Bachelor
After users noticed that Joey and Kelsey Anderson were posting images and videos on social media that seemed to be taken in the same location, Reality Steve did a deeper dive into the winner and now reports that Daisy Kent is not who Joey ends up with and Joey does indeed end up with Kelsey!
"Said I was 98% sure the spoiler was wrong because there was that small possibility that he’d originally picked Daisy but now was with Kelsey. I didn’t really think that was the case, but, I still had to check and see if that’s what happened. But no, that’s not what happened. The spoiler was just wrong. He had never picked Daisy and he’s been with Kelsey the whole time," Reality Steve wrote in a blog post on Feb. 27, confirming Kelsey as the true winner of the season.
Reality Steve later elaborated further on Instagram telling fans, "I believed my info to be true. I always have confidence in my sources. This time it happened to be wrong."
"When info was presented to me last week of Joey and Kelsey at the same Happy Couple weekend house, I realized the spoiler was probably 98% wrong. Just wanted to see if that small percent was maybe he picked Daisy in the end, but had since changed his mind. That’s not what happened. It was Kelsey the whole time," Reality Steve added making sure to clear up any speculation about Joey perhaps at first choosing Daisy but later getting together with Kelsey after filming ended.
According to his spoilers, Joey and Kelsey get engaged at the end of the season and have been together ever since. The photo leaks from the couples house used to give the lead and their winner time to spend together out of the public eye were indeed accurate and give fans assurance the couple are still together post filming which is amazing.
All other spoilers about the season remain true as Daisy is the other woman who makes it to Joey's Final 2 as initially reported. It's just that we now know Joey ends up with Kelsey, not Daisy on finale night which does open the door for Daisy to become the next Bachelorette which we're sure fans would love!