ABC announces the lead for The Bachelor Season 29

Grant Ellis is our newest Bachelor--and his season is premiereing next year!
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth)
THE BACHELOR Ð ABCÕs ÒThe BachelorÓ stars Grant Ellis. (Disney/Ricky Middlesworth) GRANT ELLIS

Believe it or not Bachelor Nation, we already know who the next Bachelor is going to be.

If you haven't watched this week's episode of The Bachelorette and don't want to find out just yet, then this is your moment to exit the article and come back after you've watched the latest episode of Jenn's journey. This article will be here when you are ready to learn more about our next Bachelor.

With that in mind, let's dive into the who, why, and when of the next leading man!

Who is lead for The Bachelor Season 29?

If you've watched the latest episode of The Bachelorette Season then you are aware of who was sent home, and how one of them was selected to be our next Bachelor.

And who is this special someone, you may ask?


Mr. Grant Ellis!

During this week's rose ceremony, Jenn sent Grant home before next week's coveted hometown dates. This is the precise moment Jenn herself was sent home during Joey's season and now it turns out Grant will embark on the same journey as her as the next Bachelor.

As anticipated, The Bachelor will premiere sometime next year (usually early spring is the timeline). We don't have a premiere date yet, but worry not, The Golden Bachelorette will keep us busy until then as it premieres on September 18th.

Who is Grant Ellis?

Grant is from New Jersey but currently lives in Houston, Texas. While in college, our next Bachelor was a sports athlete and played professional basketball. Not only did he play in college, but he went abroad to play professionally.

Unfortunately, an injury brought his athletic career to a screeching halt according to PEOPLE but he picked himself up and went in a completely different direction--the world of finance. He is now working professionally as a day trader and is now adding 'the next Bachelor' to his resume.

I think it's safe to say he is going to sweep all of us off of our feet with his desire to find love (and those good looks don't hurt either!). We can't wait to see him as our next Bachelor next year!

Here's to hoping Grant's journey ends in a happy ending!