The Bachelorette Season 20, Episode 6: Heroes and Villains
The Bachelorette Season 20, Week 6: Villains
#1: Uncle Joe
He stuck his nose where it shouldn’t have been this week. I think that Uncle Joe had the potential to ruin their entire relationship for them because if Joey does value his opinions like he said that he did, then whatever Uncle Joe says may be the only thing that goes. He probably put so much doubt into Joey and Charity’s minds! But let’s be honest, everyone’s family has a literal Uncle Joe that stinks! I know I do, and yes, his name is Uncle Joe!
#2: Jesse Palmer
I wouldn’t necessarily call our beloved host a villain, but he did scare everyone this week! He said, “If it doesn’t work out, then we’re sending you packing and home right on this plane over there.” While I’m sure it was super scary for them to hear that, it was super funny for me to hear it back at home. But there’s no need to make them extra nervous or any more than we know that they already are!
My night #6 fave: Dotun – He’s been my favorite since the beginning of time, and nothing will change
My night #6 least fave: Uncle Joe – He was the biggest Nosy Nelly this week, and I hate that
Most underrated man this week: Joey – Everyone in his fam seemed to know everything that he was feeling this week and never really considered how them mentioning all of that made him feel
Most overrated man: Aaron B. – He’s got a super nice family, but there’s just something off about him, and I’m not sure what
That’s a wrap on this week’s list of heroes and villains!
Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s episode of The Bachelorette Season 20? Please share them in the comments below!Â