The latest season of The Bachelor just wrapped up with a happy and still-engaged couple at the end: Ms. Kaity Biggar (soon-to-be Shallcross) and Mr. Zach Shallcross! Kaity was always a favorite in Zach’s mind, but she was also on America’s mind for being chosen.
How did the rest of the women do on the show? Who was the most/least well-liked this season?
Which women from Season 27 of The Bachelor were your most and least faves?
In descending order, here are all of Zach’s 30 women ranked from The Bachelor Season 27!

30. Christina
I honestly only think that she made it on the show because of her last name! Just in case you didn’t know, Christina’s aunt is country music singer Barbara Mandrell.
Anyway, I didn’t think she was a great fit for the show. Her behavior really bothered me, especially in how she treated people. That kind of attitude and behavior only has one place: Bachelor in Paradise. I genuinely hope that she’s grown and learned something from this experience.

29. Anastasia
I am on the side of the women in the house who believe Anastasia was only there for clout. I don’t think that she ever had the purest intentions to fall in love with Zach. She must’ve forgotten how this show works! People steal people away all the time, and when she was in that situation she didn’t want to hear any of it. Again, much like Christina, I hope she’s learned something from this, including how to be nicer to people.

28. Victoria J.
She really didn’t seem to ‘find her voice’ until she was screaming at Anastasia during the After The Final Rose episode. I wasn’t the biggest fan of hers and just didn’t feel like her time on The Bachelor Season 27 was all that worth watching.

27. Madison
Oh, Madison. I wanted to like her! She seemed super sweet! Ultimately, Madison got sent home over a bad kiss with Zach. I hope that in her next relationship, maybe even in Paradise, she learned to let things happen organically.

26. Cat
Cat was one of those girls on the show who said funny things just for the drama. I find those types of comments annoying and not funny. However, she did have this super whimsical spirit to her which was a fresh perspective to the show.