Episode 7 of The Bachelor Season 27 brought us to Budapest, Hungary, a location Zach called “the epitome of romance.” I guess cobblestone streets and magic and beautiful architecture = romance!
The episode starts with Zach stating he strongly feels for ALL the women. That makes for an interesting episode!
Side note- are 2-on-1s not a thing anymore? I was expecting one this season between Kat and Brooklyn!
Let’s get to the best and worst moments of The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 7!
The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 7: Worst moment: Zach and Greer’s conversation
Ahhh. I’m happy
Greer has recovered from Covid, but after the terrible treatment Zach gave Greer a couple of weeks ago, I could barely stand to watch them interact!
Long story short, Zach sends Greer home with the pretense that it’s because she’s fallen behind due to Covid, but in reality, it was clear he was planning on sending her home anyway.
The good news is that Greer will have a very successful life in Bachelor Nation if she can return to the franchise after what has seemed like a fairly negative experience!
The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 7: Best moment: Group date cocktail party
The women were really on form for this one! I loved how much Gabi opened up about her ADHD and how self-conscious she was about it. She and Zach are super cute together!
And Ariel is so funny! I love her. Her impression of her dad telling her not to go on the show: “You’ll walk into a room, and they will force you to get naked.” That is not far from the truth sometimes!
I feel the same way about Ariel that Zach does: “She never fails to crack me up!”
She is just so clear-headed and easy to be around.
Ariel for Bachelorette, please!
I’m so excited about hometowns!
What were your favorite moments of episode 7? Share in the comments!