The Bachelor Season 27, Week 5: Villains
#1: Greer
Oh, Greer. Greer, Greer, Greer. All she did this episode was complain! She should know if she’s ever watched this show before that the 1st impression rose recipients rarely get one-on-one dates right away (it’s almost a part of it’s own narrative at this point). No one, and I mean no one, wants to hear her complain all this much, and I feel super bad for the girls that had to deal with her this week. She was also rude to walk out on Gabi explaining her one-on-one date to all of the other women (if she felt this way, she could’ve at least waited until Gabi was done). She just wanted attention, and boy, does she need it because, spoiler alert: Zach doesn’t like you and isn’t picking you in the end. Sorry, def not sorry, bye!
#2: Zach
Here he is this week…again! If he knew that he wasn’t feeling well enough to make it to the nighttime portion of the group date this week, then why TF would he make all of the girl get all dressed up? For nothing? Come on, man, and you’re so much better than that!! Thoughts?
My night five fave: Gabby! – She’s just adorable and so deserved this one-on-one date so much!
My night five least fave: Greer – All she did this week was complain, and I hate a complainer!
That’s a wrap on this week’s list of Heroes and Villains!
Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s fourth episode of The Bachelor Season 27? Share them in the comments below!