We’re back! The Bachelor Season 27 kicked off Monday night, and it’s great to be back.
Not everyone has been super excited about Zach as the Bachelor, whether due to speculation there would be two Bachelors or just a general lack of excitement about his personality. However, even if some leads seem uninteresting, history has shown they reveal more hidden depths as the season continues!
Let’s get to the best and worst moments of the premiere!

The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 1: Best moment: Flashbacks
Zackbacks? Flashzacks?
Okay, so it was only a minute of the episode, but I like Zack 1,000 times more, knowing that he “rocked the bass guitar” in his band called Public Disturbance in 7th grade. That is amazing. Let’s start a petition to have Public Disturbance play on After the Final Rose, shall we?
Zack was also a DJ in college? The musical gifts keep on coming!
We barely got to know Zack during Rachel and Gabby’s season, so these tidbits were a gift!

The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 1: Worst moment: Sean. Again.
Sean Lowe is back? Again? Lol.
There’s nothing wrong with Sean Lowe. He’s a beloved former Bachelor and very likable. But does he need to be back, giving premiere advice to the Bachelor again??
It felt like the Zach/Sean comparison was being shoved down our throats like we’re supposed to believe Zach is “here for the right reasons” because of this chat.
Sigh. Sean gave some decent advice: Zach’s final pick might not be his usual “type” at first. Hardly any Bachelors give the first impression rose to the woman who becomes their final pick, so this is good to remember!
One more thing–I also had the best quote of the night:
“I definitely blacked out. Not because of the alcohol, because of love.”- Dalia
Here’s to Zach’s journey!
What were your favorite moments of The Bachelor Season 27, Episode 1? Share in the comments!