Zach Shallcross is the leading man for The Bachelor Season 27! With the cast officially announced, photos released, and its premiere episode just a few weeks away, let’s see who’s an early front-runner and who seems to be the odd one out this season!
The Bachelor Season 27 is coming, and the new leading man will be Zach Shallcross. He is a 26-year-old Cloud Technology Account Executive turned Cloud Technology Consultant from Fullerton, California. He will be blessed (hopefully) with 30 women vying for his undivided love and attention.
What will this season have in store? What will all of the women be like?
While there will be no spoilers, if you’re interested in knowing almost everything about Zach’s stint as the Bachelor, check out this full spoiler The Bachelor Season 27 review.
We’ll dive deep into a few categories in the slides: Early contenders/front-runners, the Crazies, the Under-the-radar ladies, and the Too-smart-and-b****y to be here girls.
As always, everyone has the right to form their own opinions. This is just for fun and a way to see where our initial predictions compared to how all of these ladies were on the show when this was all said and done.
I think Zach’s season of The Bachelor will be super dull. While I was a decent fan of his during his stint on The Bachelorette, I still thought that he was the most boring out of anyone on the show besides Rachel. But what are yall’s thoughts? Agree or not?
If you have seen the cast thus far and have some early predictions, let us know in the comments for some fun debating! Let’s meet The Bachelor Season 27 gals!