Bachelor in Paradise Season 8 has already been super crazy and dramatic. It has been America’s favorite guilty pleasure this summer, and it’s only a mere week away from the finale!
If you still haven’t had enough drama, then you’re lucky because this season is nothing short of this. The drama is in high gear, and of course, the number of tears and drinks being stolen is already living up to all of the preceding seasons of Bachelor in Paradise, that’s for sure.
And with all of that in mind, let’s dive into this week’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 8!
Be sure to let us know in the comments about your thoughts on the future of this season now! If you’re a Bachelor in Paradise fan, follow their Instagram for updates and sneak peeks!
*In case you haven’t seen Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episodes 13 & 14 yet, there may be some spoilers ahead, so beware!*
— Corinne (@Nielsen_ecorinn) November 16, 2022
Okay, let’s talk…
This was yet another episode filled with drama!
Why? Because there can’t be a season without it.
We’re (also) here to talk about it with all of you, so be sure to engage in the comments below and let us know what you think!
Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episodes 13 & 14 most shocking moments
1. When no one acknowledged Mara’s arrival
As much as I completely s*** talk her, and for very good reasons, might I add, I still felt bad for her. She came onto the beach (even I barely noticed her arrival, tbh), and no one said a d*** word to her. No one acknowledged that she was even there. And you know whose fault that is? Production. Creators of the show. Everyone is involved behind the scenes. Do you know why it’s all their fault? Because there’s no good reason to bring new people on so late, especially when it’s evident that most, if not all, people are in somewhat committed relationships on the beach. I get it…we all love drama; we do. But stop it while you’re hot and spare these poor new people the complete and utter embarrassment.
2. Johnny tells Victoria some very personal info about his brother
Honestly, both Johnny and Victoria combined are the most boring couple in my personal opinion. I don’t see them working out in the real world together. I feel like Johnny will never be ready for anything in his life, and I also feel like Victoria is such a fake b**** that all guys should steer clear if they see her coming their way. I wasn’t expecting Johnny to share such personal news with Victoria. It was so quiet that you might’ve missed this whole conversation if your volume wasn’t jacked up. All I can say is this: I wish Johnny’s brother the best and hope that everything works out in the end…for everyone, all of their families included.
3. Kate is a “wower”
Just when I thought that Kate couldn’t get any more downright repulsive, she did it again! She called herself a “wower” and stated that she constantly feels like she’s living her life and doing a lot of ‘wowing.’ Yeah, like, OMFG what? Excuse me, but what the F does that even mean? I guess this isn’t that surprising to me about Kate because I’ve never really disliked someone in the ways and amount that I dislike her.
What are your thoughts about Kate’s rash behaviors/comments?!
4. Logan being so naive about having dated four women on the beach
Much like Kate, when I thought Logan couldn’t get any dumber, Rachel and Gabby walked onto the beach, and his jaw must’ve stayed propped open for just around an hour or so. He looks stunned to see them (but next time, producers, just put everyone on the show Ex on the Beach and leave all of that other s*** out of the Bachelor franchise…k, thanks). I don’t blame him for seeming so stunned, but then he suddenly realized that he’d dated four women on the beach now…Shanae and Kate were included with Rachel and Gabby (and I’m pretty sure they were all in the same season of The Bachelor as well). Logan, make your rounds and dip your chip into some of Clayton’s ladies…hey, Susie’s open now!
5. How accurate Michael and Aaron’s scream recreations were
Personally, whenever people mock other people or even make funny noises at the right place or right time, I almost always die laughing. This week, there was certainly no shortage of this. When Gabby was showing off her engagement ring to all of the other ladies on the beach, legit, all that you heard was screaming, screeching, and, as Logan put it, some pretty God-awful pterodactyl noises. However, it wasn’t his comment that got me laughing. It was Aaron ‘quoting’ Genevieve’s screaming reaction and then Michael ‘correcting’ him on what it sounded like. Go find the episode or a video of it, and watch it. You won’t be sorry and don’t worry…you can go ahead and thank me later, I’ll still be here waiting!
So not everything is shocking, dramatic, or bad. Here is a sweet moment as an honorable mention…
While I don’t really like Victoria or Johnny, for that matter, I did think that Victoria’s reaction was sweet. She never made him feel pressured to have him share anything that he truly didn’t want to or feel comfortable doing so. However, I think her true and authentic reaction to all of this loaded information wasn’t on the beach…it was in her head, and not being told or sold to Johnny.
Nights Thirteen and Fourteen Faves: Danielle and Logan (surprising about Logan, I know)
Nights Thirteen and Fourteen Least Faves: Kate and Mara (hate, hate, hate them both…oops)
That wraps up this week’s eighth-week thoughts on Bachelor in Paradise Season 8!
Don’t forget to tune into Bachelor in Paradise every Monday and Tuesday at 8 PM EST! Let us know your thoughts on the premiere of the 8th season of Paradise down in the comments below!