Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 5 recap: Here, Gone, and Back Again

BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò801Ó - ItÕs almost paradise! Nearly a year after the last rose was handed out on the beach, ÒBachelor in ParadiseÓ returns with the largest ever cast of fan-favorites from ÒThe BachelorÓ franchise. With Jesse Palmer as host and Wells Adams returning to the bar, the latest group of hopeful hotties and a few sexy surprises are ready to make waves and catch feelings this fall when the eighth season of the hit series returns, TUESDAY, SEPT. 27 (8:00 - 10:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu. Additional cast will be announced throughout the season. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)BRITTANY GALVIN, JESSE PALMER
BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò801Ó - ItÕs almost paradise! Nearly a year after the last rose was handed out on the beach, ÒBachelor in ParadiseÓ returns with the largest ever cast of fan-favorites from ÒThe BachelorÓ franchise. With Jesse Palmer as host and Wells Adams returning to the bar, the latest group of hopeful hotties and a few sexy surprises are ready to make waves and catch feelings this fall when the eighth season of the hit series returns, TUESDAY, SEPT. 27 (8:00 - 10:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu. Additional cast will be announced throughout the season. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)BRITTANY GALVIN, JESSE PALMER

The beach is falling apart right now on Bachelor in Paradise Season 8. Teddi left last week, and Sierra left after Michael broke things off with her. However, new additions are on the horizon, potentially adding an extra rose to the upcoming ceremony. Salley’s suitcase will finally be claimed!

The men are scrambling to find connections as at least seven of the 12 remaining men don’t have strong connections. The women hold power this week with an impending rose ceremony. Let’s find out what happened in episode 5!

Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 5 recap

1. An Angel for Paradise

We opened on the beach with the guys doing the math and finding there were seven women for 12 men. Michael is reeling off the breakup with Sierra but sticking to the process. Justin is left without a connection and is praying for an angel to appear on Bachelor in Paradise. Well, he got his wish.

Salley finally arrived on the beach but was met with a mixed reception. Genevieve instantly had a bad perception of her and communicated that to Aaron. As Salley walked around the group, Justin was anxious to talk to her. They talked and even kissed at Stagecoach. However, according to Justin, they haven’t seen or talked to each other since then.

Salley told her fellow bachelors and bachelorettes that she missed three flights before coming to the beach. However, the reasoning behind it was interesting. Wells told the group the story of how she was still talking to her fiance/ex-boyfriend, which prevented her from coming on the show. Now she is telling everyone that work prevented her from making the trip. Who’s lying?

Once she told this to Genevieve and Shanae, they instantly knew she was lying. They asked her what she was looking for, and she told them she was looking for something serious, not just mess around. However, her track record doesn’t bode well for her. First, she ditched Clayton’s season early, The Bachelor Season 26, because of her ex, and now she is lying on her first day in Paradise. The new power couple of Genevieve and Shanae sought to confront her to get the truth.

2. A Moment in Paradise

It didn’t take long for the drama to ensue as the confrontation went poorly and Salley regretted coming on the show. She said she would remain true to herself and not spread dirt about other people. She said she was the most real person and that other people were here for the wrong reasons. Romeo tries to talk to her, but Justin wins in the end and tries to calm her down.

Salley said she couldn’t handle it, didn’t want to be there, and should never have come. She quickly exited stage right and was on the beach for maybe an hour. Just when the men, especially Justin, got a breath of life, it evaporated. Genevieve and Shanae may have pushed too hard and bullied Salley, but as James said, how can you come on a dating show and not be willing to talk about your dating past?

Before she left, Salley said she could expose everyone on the beach, leaving many fans to question what secrets are being kept on the show. I’m sure some things happen before, during, or after the show that never gets aired or heard about. However, perception is key here. This marks the second time Salley has had 15 minutes or less of screen time on a Bachelor Nation show. This also marks the third woman to leave the show voluntarily.

The next morning they wheeled Salley’s suitcase across the beach of Bachelor in Paradise and the feeling finally set in for the guys. The numbers are not in the favor and are even worse than they were in the last day or two. This moment also made us realize that Salley’s suitcase was here longer than she was.

3. Another Arrival

In another shocking twist, there is another new arrival to Bachelor in Paradise…but it’s another guy. Peter the Pizza Guy from Michelle’s season of the Bachelorette, Season 18. Many guys aren’t impressed with his arrival, as he comes off as very cocky and self-absorbed.

He tried to chat with Victoria and Shanae, but that didn’t get far. However,  he landed on Brittany, who was curious and wanted to get to know him. Inevitably he asked her on his date, and she accepted. Poor Brittany is too nice and outgoing and wants to get to know everyone.

As they prepare for their date, Pete says that he is excited to get to tell Brittany about his success and journey in life. He wanted to tell her about his successful business…this should go well. They journeyed to a nearby port where a yacht awaited their arrival.

Casey has some strong feelings toward Pete and lets everyone know it. He accused him of promoting his business the last time he was on the show and didn’t know if he is here for the right reasons a second time around. He cautioned the other men about him and said that he might do well on the beach but isn’t a great person.

4. In Deep Water

The date turned out as Casey predicted, with Pete talking about himself and his business. He asked Brittany multiple times what she liked about him and wanted her to point out specific features she found attractive. He continued to talk about himself on the boat, in the water… it didn’t matter.

He told Brittany that he wanted to enjoy this time with her but never really asked her much about herself. He went in for a kiss, and she ducked him, electing for a hug. She said she moves pretty slowly with that stuff and hasn’t kissed anyone else on the beach yet. Mind you, this is the second time she has ducked a kiss on Bachelor in Paradise, with the first being from Romeo.

Brittany trying to remain positive, said that he was a nice guy but not her guy. Let’s be real, Pete probably isn’t the nicest guy either. Instead of enjoying her time on a huge yacht and the open sea, she has to deal with Pete’s self-absorbed persona. She can’t wait to get back to the beach. We need justice for Brittany!

5. The Aftermath

Another date card is pulled, and Jacob gets to have a date. He chose Jill, and she immediately accepted. Now back to the important details. Brittany and Pete returned from their date and had a ton of tea to spill. Every story has two sides, and they sure tell their part. This is by far the worst date on this season of Bachelor in Paradise.

Brittany pulled aside a group of women and retold the date and how Pete was all about himself and tried to kiss her and make unwanted advances toward her. Pete pulled aside Romeo and Casey and said that the date went well for him, but he didn’t feel like she was there for the right reasons. He said he knows women like her, Instagram models, that clout case and tries to grow their following. Everyone has to see that is the farthest thing from the truth.

Still reeling from Teddi, Andrew was looking for his second wind and might have found it with Brittany. They both have had bad experiences on this beach and are looking to turn the tides in their favor. Andrew pulled her aside, and the two conversed in a cabana. It didn’t take long before they kissed. The move was made by Brittany, which signals she is really into Andrew, and he seemed to be feeling the same way about her. I’d call that a win if it took Pete to get to Andrew.

6. Full Moon on the Rise

Jacob’s and Jill’s date card mentioned a full moon which led many to question what they would do on the date. The two are pretty quirky individually but together are even better. Jacob thought out the full moon as in the hindquarters. Well, he got his wish.

They started the date with a shaman and were asked to take some close off and pick a crystal. They then went through some breathing exercises, which Jacob seems to do daily. Then they proceeded to breathe faster and howl at the moon.

Next, they massaged each other with oil, building a more sexual connection. The shaman then asked if they were willing to take off the rest of their clothes. They both discussed it and agreed to see each other naked. They saw each other, and then the shaman asked them to stand back and say what they liked about the other person. Jacob said her butt, and Jill said his arms. Then they both admitted they were ready to fall in love.

They capped off the date in individual soaking tubs, most likely naked, and sealed the date with a kiss. Jill has had a rough journey thus far on the show but has found a true connection with Jacob.

7. Romantic Gestures

There is another birthday on Bachelor in Paradise! This time it was Serene’s. I believe this is the third alleged birthday on the beach. However, this one was real and special. Serene told Brandon about a time when no one would attend her birthday. Brandon gathered the beach and wished Serene a happy birthday in a very special, romantic gesture.

Serene appreciated this, and someone made a joke about them feeding cake to each other like it was their wedding. Serene’s eyes grew about ten sizes, and I think it started to set in that this could be her future. Their relationship is the model for Bachelor in Paradise and makes the reality of the situation set in for those that don’t have a connection.

Logan, maybe inspired by these events, made a romantic gesture to try to win back Shanae. He set up a romantic spot by the pool for them to share. He said a treasure was in the pool and fished out a bottle with his lucky bead bracelet. He gave it to Shanae as a gesture of good faith and fortune, hoping to win her over. She seemed very impressed and praised him for his gesture. Did he do enough to earn her rose?

Meanwhile, still on the beach are Jarod and Ashley. They have yet to do the deed after staying in the boom boom room during their time in Paradise. The couple has been a comedic addition to the show offering the current contestants a look at what the show can do. They have taken the fly-on-the-wall approach, offering advice here and there, and could see the show from a different perspective. They did do the deed, albeit for 7 minutes and 57 seconds.

Jacob and Jill return from their date shortly after and are all smiles. They retold their date and how they were naked and vulnerable but were able to strengthen their relationship and build a solid foundation. Hopefully, someone doesn’t return to the beach and break up with this couple…

8. The Doctor makes a House Call

In another shocking move, Kira, the doctor, returned to the beach to settle some unfinished business with Jacob. She approached the group and asked to speak to Jacob privately. Let’s recall their last interaction, shall we? Kira pulled Jacob into a room and blindfolded him. Then she changed and came out in only leaves covering her parts, just as Jacob did on the first day of Bachelor in Paradise.

She hoped this overt gesture would win his rose in the first ceremony. At that time, Jacob was considered the bachelor on the beach and had a few suitors. In the end, he gave his rose to Luce…I mean Lace. However, their relationship didn’t last long after he started bringing up strip clubs. She has since moved on to Rodney. Meanwhile, Jacob hit the free agency pool and just found a connection with Jill.

Kira said she didn’t like how she left Paradise and was only back to win Jacob over. She started to tell Jacob about how she felt blindsided at the rose ceremony, and even after having a few days to process, she couldn’t get him out of her head. She said that while they didn’t know each other for long, she felt the connection was there. He asked her point blank if she still had feelings for him, and she said yes. Jill watched on anxiously, hoping to see Jacob turn her down.

As she relayed her feelings, she started to get emotional and told Jacob he felt like home to her. She said she couldn’t leave Paradise without seeing if there was anything left in their relationship. Jill couldn’t take it anymore and started to head for bed. Brittany and Romeo decide to step in, and Brittany approaches Jacob and asks what he is doing because he just upset Jill.

After this confrontation, Jacob quickly broke it off with Kira saying that the connection felt forced and that he no longer had feelings for her. This conversation also made him realize that he strongly feels for Jill, not Kira. Although the conversation went long, Jacob was just trying to be nice and hear her out…I guess. In the end, he chose Jill.

9. Wherefore art thou Romeo

However, this may not be it for Kira. Romeo stopped her before she left and asked how their conversation went. She said the conversation showed that Jacob didn’t understand her and that they weren’t a great match. Romeo, trying to stay relevant, started to get emotional and hugged Kira.

She asked him if he thought he should have made a different decision with his rose, and he said yes, he should have picked Kira. Of course, he would say that on the spot. He probably would have said the same thing to another woman. Kira said if they could do it all over again, they could have tried harder and grown what they already had. They kissed on the beach long, and Kira popped the question. No, not that question.

She asked if he would leave Paradise with her that night and put Bachelor in Paradise behind him. He stood there speechless for a while, contemplating his decision while Kira smiled at him. He agreed to leave the show with her when she asked him again. According to Kira, they “did Paradise right” and explored other relationships but found they were meant for each other. As she is talking, they zoom in on Romeo, who still looks a bit in shock and confused. He saw another way out and took it.

Next Monday features the big moment on the show, where Jesse sends the ladies packing and brings in new women to test the relationships built on the show. Will they last? Who will crumble first? Plus, there are some shocking events leading up to the next rose ceremony. The beach may get blown up!

This season the contestants are bringing the heat to the beach! Check out the article above for a recap of some of the best fits in Paradise thus far! What do we think about Kira returning? Will Pete get a rose? Who will stand the test of time during the split? 

Let us know what you think in the comments below about Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Bachelor Nation!