Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 4: Best and worst moments

BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò803Ó Ð The cocktail party continues! As the rose ceremony approaches, the previously confident guys are realizing that holding the roses may not mean they have the advantage they expected. Once all is said and done, nine new couples begin a new day in the sun ready to move their relationships forward, but it wouldnÕt be Paradise without a slew of new singles making their way to the beach! Best buds Aaron and James arrive ready to double-date their way to true love, and lovable hottie Rodney shows up with hearts in his eyes, putting the ladiesÕ jaws on the floor on ÒBachelor in Paradise,Ó TUESDAY, OCT. 4 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)JUSTIN GLAZE
BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò803Ó Ð The cocktail party continues! As the rose ceremony approaches, the previously confident guys are realizing that holding the roses may not mean they have the advantage they expected. Once all is said and done, nine new couples begin a new day in the sun ready to move their relationships forward, but it wouldnÕt be Paradise without a slew of new singles making their way to the beach! Best buds Aaron and James arrive ready to double-date their way to true love, and lovable hottie Rodney shows up with hearts in his eyes, putting the ladiesÕ jaws on the floor on ÒBachelor in Paradise,Ó TUESDAY, OCT. 4 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)JUSTIN GLAZE /

Monday night’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise brought us a one-on-one date with a classic couple, new love triangles, and plenty of confusing drama.

Let’s get to the best and worst moments of episode 4!

Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 4: Worst moment: Justin and Genevieve talk

After Genevieve returns from her date with Aaron, she sits down with Justin to…I don’t know what. Talk?

I sound like a broken record, but I CAN NOT sit through another one of these “talks” between Justin and Genevieve.

Watching them both react (in some cases, overreact) to what the other person was doing and saying was stressful. There’s a certain level of stressful pointless talking that’s not even entertaining anymore, and I think we’ve hit it!

How were they ever attracted to each other? How did it go so wrong so quickly? Why are they even still talking?

Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 4: Best moment: Ashley and Jared

This may be predictable, but Ashley and Jared’s date was by FAR the best moment of the episode, in my opinion.

Ashley and Jared take jet skis on the water and then sit on the beach, discussing their past on the beach and beyond.

Of course, Ashley, famous for her crying, teared up, but Jared did as well. Watching them validate each other and talk about how far they’ve come, thanking each other for making the other happy, had me tearing up as well!

When I saw them appear on the beach this season, I had my doubts and thought this might be a waste of time. But it was an amazing reminder of what real love looks like!

I almost forgot what it’s like to see real emotions on this show!

Best quote: “For the first time in seven years, this is truly Paradise.” SO cute.

Next. Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 4 recap. dark

Onto the next tonight!

What were your favorite moments of Bachelor in Paradise episode 4? Share in the comments!