Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episodes 2 & 3: Heroes and Villains

BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò803Ó Ð The cocktail party continues! As the rose ceremony approaches, the previously confident guys are realizing that holding the roses may not mean they have the advantage they expected. Once all is said and done, nine new couples begin a new day in the sun ready to move their relationships forward, but it wouldnÕt be Paradise without a slew of new singles making their way to the beach! Best buds Aaron and James arrive ready to double-date their way to true love, and lovable hottie Rodney shows up with hearts in his eyes, putting the ladiesÕ jaws on the floor on ÒBachelor in Paradise,Ó TUESDAY, OCT. 4 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)LOGAN PALMER, ROMEO ALEXANDER, JACOB RAPINI, CASEY WOODS, ANDREW SPENCER, MICHAEL ALLIO, JUSTIN GLAZE, JOHNNY DEPHILLIPO, BRANDON JONES
BACHELOR IN PARADISE - Ò803Ó Ð The cocktail party continues! As the rose ceremony approaches, the previously confident guys are realizing that holding the roses may not mean they have the advantage they expected. Once all is said and done, nine new couples begin a new day in the sun ready to move their relationships forward, but it wouldnÕt be Paradise without a slew of new singles making their way to the beach! Best buds Aaron and James arrive ready to double-date their way to true love, and lovable hottie Rodney shows up with hearts in his eyes, putting the ladiesÕ jaws on the floor on ÒBachelor in Paradise,Ó TUESDAY, OCT. 4 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)LOGAN PALMER, ROMEO ALEXANDER, JACOB RAPINI, CASEY WOODS, ANDREW SPENCER, MICHAEL ALLIO, JUSTIN GLAZE, JOHNNY DEPHILLIPO, BRANDON JONES /
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ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin /

Bachelor in Paradise Season 8, Episode 2: Heroes

#1: Wells

For me, this week was pretty boring. Usually, because Paradise comes in waves of two episodes a week, you’d think that the drama would be equally split between both nights, and in all honesty, it wasn’t. However, in comes Wells to the rescue, folks! His recreation of the whole Salley debacle made the week for me and quite possibly the moment of the season!

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin /

#2: Casey

While he has yet to find the one on the beach (still tons of time left), you almost always see him consoling the “outcasts.” People cry on screen, and you can place a small bet that Casey will be found in the next scene of the show, talking to and making sure that that person is okay. Maybe it’s his mature age, maybe just his kind heart, but whatever it is…you just have to love it, right?!