6. Nate
We’ve never been blessed with a season that has a father as the Bachelor (please correct me if I’m wrong). We’ve had a mom as a Bachelorette, but never had a dad-style Bachelor season, and I really am all here for it. I really do love Nate, still do, and he will most likely (unless something drastic happens) always be one of my personal favorite contestants on any season…ever.

7. Aven
He came so close to being the chosen one in season 19 of The Bachelorette; however, he didn’t quite get there due to how loud he screamed in Rachel’s face (please note my sarcasm here). While I personally was never a fan of his during his run on the show, I do think that he deserves a second chance at love…if not as the main man, then maybe on Paradise next year? We’ll see.

8. Tyler
America just loves him, don’t we?! Yes, we do. I genuinely felt so bad for him when he was so badly dumped in the middle of his hometown date before Rachel even met any of his family. It was heartbreaking for him I’m sure, it was heartbreaking for me to watch, and certainly uncomfy for the rest of us watching as well. I think Tyler would make an okay bachelor, but you never know.

9. Zach
He’s so young…would he be ready though (please note my sarcasm here yet again)?! I really loved Zach on the show. During his first one-on-one with Rachel, he shed some tears, and just from that plain and simple moment right there, I just knew that he was someone special to the show. Zach is someone who I think will show the viewers how women should and deserve to be treated.

10. Tino
*Here’s our slight bit of a spoiler, folks!*
So, I accidentally stumbled upon one of Reality Steve’s spoiler posts. According to him, since we already know that Tino is the last man standing on Rachel’s side of things, the love between Tino and Rachel doesn’t last too long, because apparently, they are no longer together post-show. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea, so don’t hold me to this info…just passing along.