The Bachelorette Season 19, Episode 4: Heroes and Villains

THE BACHELORETTE - ABCÕs ÒThe Bachelorette" stars Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia. (ABC/Gizelle Hernandez)
THE BACHELORETTE - ABCÕs ÒThe Bachelorette" stars Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia. (ABC/Gizelle Hernandez)
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ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin

The Bachelorette Season 19, Episode 4: Villains

#1: Rachel

I’m not going to waste much time on Rachel (again) this week. So, here’s all I’ve got to say about her: all she ever ever does is whine and complain. She’s never happy. She’s never satisfied. In all honesty, I cannot effing stand her. I wish it were a solo Gabby season – ugh!

Logan P.
ABC/Craig Sjodin

#2: Logan

At first, I kinda liked him and kind of didn’t. Now, I really don’t like him and think that he’s genuinely wasting my time just watching the show, in all honesty. He should’ve just ‘broken the rules’ and pulled Rachel aside to let her be aware of his potential change of feelings (he wants Gabby instead – LOL). Although I still hate and can’t stand Rachel, no one deserves a pity rose or to be lied to!

My personal night four fave: Nate – so respectful of both women and always knows what to say

My personal night three least fave: Rachel – I cannot f*****g take all the whining anymore tbh

 That’s a wrap on this week’s list of heroes and villains!

Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s episode of The Bachelorette Season 19? Share them in the comments below!