Accept This Rose has an exclusive interview with Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb–America’s favorite Bachelor in Paradise couple!
In case you live under a rock, or have been missing from the social media game lately, Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb from Bachelor in Paradise are still together and still going strong!
As far as Abigail and Noah go, they have a lot coming up for them, from solo travel, dreams of traveling to certain destinations together, and even some super cool collaborations that are happening and have happened. Stay tuned for all of this fun stuff that is coming up for such a darling couple.
Their upcoming project and collab with Grub Hub and Master Chef is going to reimagine date nights completely. That was the first topic discussed during my exclusive chat with them, and let me tell you, my mouth was watering and I am super excited…and to top it all off, their deal has officially begun!
If you’re excited to hear all about their future endeavors as I was, check out my chat with the two of them. I cannot wait for all that their future holds!
Check out what Abigail and Noah are up to down below!
Accept This Rose: So, first of all, how are you guys doing?!
Noah Erb: We are awesome. Enjoying it out here on the West Coast. Just livin’ it up, wrapping up a couple of chapters for me with nursing, and moving into some others. Making the most of it.
ATR: Awesome! So, first of all, I wanna hear more about this Master Chef-Grub Hub collaboration. I hear it’s gonna be like a delivery-only restaurant. What can we expect from that?
Abigail Heringer: Yeah, so this is a super ideal partnership for us. Grub Hub is partnering with Master Chef, so it’s all these dishes that were created by the chefs on Master Chef delivered right to your home. So, we’ve been doing it for our little date nights. We get a bottle of wine, we plate the food, and get our favorite show on. But yeah, it’s just been super ideal because we’re such homebodies since the show. We feel like an old married couple sometimes. But yeah, it’s been super fun and the food is really good.
Noah Erb: So, Grub Hub linked with Master Chef Table, I don’t know how they did it, but they did it. It starts June 1st. There are 20 different locations, ours is in North Hollywood because we’re in L.A. I think they have some promos too for $10 off of $20. Either way, really good food. We are huge foodie people, so it’s a way for us to get really good food without having to go out to a restaurant and drive into L.A. and deal with the traffic and all that. It’s just great food from professionals that we can make into a fun little night.

ATR: So, you mentioned you guys are in L.A. and you’ve moved in together recently. How’s that been officially living together?
Abigail Heringer: It’s been good! We were definitely able to sort of transition into it because he was still doing his nursing contract and working night shifts. So, we were living together, but also being on different sleep schedules. He just finished so we’re back on the same schedule, so now it’s really going to feel like we’re living together. Still going well, you know, no deal breakers or anything like that.
Noah Erb: It’s been fun especially you know, I’ve been down in this area before, but I was always by myself or linking up with different friends, so it’s a lot of fun not doing long-distance for one, and two, you know, having Abby here to go explore and check out new places and just have fun.
ATR: What are some of the things that you guys have been doing now, now that you’re on or getting on the same schedule?
Noah Erb: Beach!
Abigail Heringer: Yeah, we love our beach days.
Noah Erb: Sunset Beach, anytime you can.
Abigail Heringer: We try to get out and go to restaurants and stuff, but we just honestly get so tired and lazy. It’s a lot of movie nights in. We need to be better about going out while we’re out in California. But you know, Grub Hubbing, watching our shows together.
Noah Erb: We’re getting into rollerblading. That’s our thing right now. Surfing is on the list.
Abigail Heringer: For him, not me.
Noah Erb: Yeah, she’s just gonna drink and read.

They also talked about their efforts in trying to get into more events around town now that his crazy schedules are out of the way. They also love exploring other nearby places, such as Malibu, and discovering their area and state all around them–fully immersed!
Noah Erb: And then hopefully snowboarding when the snow comes. (*Does the sign of the cross, smiling)*
ATR: So, now I have a couple of questions just for Abigail. So, with you being the first contestant with a hearing impairment, and now having such a big following on Instagram, how do you think that’s helped you be a better advocate?
Abigail Heringer: That’s a really good question! It definitely happened overnight. Both my sister and I were born deaf and was something that we’ve always had our whole lives. But in terms of speaking on it and raising awareness, that was very new for me, post-show. But I have to say with the platform, everyone’s been incredible, everyone’s been super nice and wanting to learn more. So with that, it’s been really easy just to put stuff out there and people respond really well to it which makes me wanna keep raising awareness and putting more stuff out. The next step is kinda just thinking about what can I do in the most efficient way to help families and other people with hearing loss. I’m definitely trying to plan what the next steps are, but it’s definitely been really fun!
ATR: That’s awesome! And with your recent collaboration with the John Tracy Center, can you talk a little bit more about that?
Abigail Heringer: Yeah! So, that’s one that’s really close to home for me. When my mom, my sister and, I got the diagnosis, one of the biggest issues back then was there was no internet and it was really hard to get resources, there weren’t a lot of people near in our area with cochlear implants, so we got referenced to the John Tracy Center. That’s one of the first times that my mom had everything at her fingertips, she had all the resources, the audiologists, and other families with cochlear implants. They really focus on not only helping the kids but then giving all of the resources to the parents so that they can really use that at home and so forth when they leave the John Tracy Center.
It’s one that’s had such a big impact on my sister and I. Post-show when I was trying to think of ways to raise awareness, that was one of the first organizations that came to my mind. When I reached out to them, they remembered my mom, my sister, and me. Thinking of ways to raise awareness, we just recently played in their annual golf tournament, I’m also trying to raise money on my Instagram, people can donate and I’ll match the donations. They are truly such great organizations and whenever I post about them, families message me with their stories of them going through it. Definitely a really good organization.

ATR: That’s awesome! Now, I have to ask, besides Noah of course, what would you say has been the best thing to come out of being on the show?
Abigail Heringer: (*Both Noah and Abigail smiling and giggling*)
The best thing? Definitely the platform to do this! You know, before the show, I was in finance living a very normal 9 to 5 life and never really talked about my hearing loss, nor did I ever think that I’d be able to be in a position to. And then post-show, it’s been really fun to talk to my mom and my sister and get the stories just because it’s always been very normal for us. We’ve never really just sat down and talked about it. It’s fun to be able to have the opportunity to do that and connect with other families, and other people with hearing loss. It’s a much bigger community than I ever realized, so it’s been really fun. So I think that that was a really pleasant surprise from going on a reality dating show. I didn’t expect to get that when I signed up for The Bachelor.
ATR: Oh yeah, there are people all over the place who are in your corner.
Abigail Heringer: Yes!

ATR: So, Noah…my personal favorite animal is a shark. I heard about your trip to The Bahamas, raising awareness for Sawtooth sharks. Can you talk about why this cause is so important?
Noah Erb: Yeah! So, learning more and more about the trip every day. It’s a little bit more gnarly than at first I thought, which I’m down for. I’m down to dive with sharks, I’m down to tag animals, that’s awesome. So, what we’re doing is gonna be in the Bahamas in the Anges Islands. There is some research that Sawtooth sharks might breed out there; they are close to extinct. We’re getting the opportunity to go to a region that is normally closed off and to see if there are Sawtooth sharks there and if there are, apparently it’s like seeing a unicorn in that world. If they are, it’ll help to push the legislature to help protect that area and also help build it up for the Sawtooth sharks. So it’ll be super cool for this rare species of sharks. We’re going with people way smarter than me, a couple of marine biologists, one that is known in the shark world as one of the best who’s been on Shark Week with his wife.
ATR: That’s so cool!
Noah Erb: We’re getting to use equipment that they typically don’t get to use for this, so we have a lot of different resources and a lot of knowledge at our disposal. Hopefully, that is something that we get to do to dive with them, tag some other sharks, and look at some other marine life while we’re there. And then also I think that we have something set up with being kinda out there with some of the communities and schools and he’s doing a lot of talking points with the locals there on how to help that sort of environment. As I said, it’s growing as I’m learning more and more about it, but it is very cool and I’ll be with Blayke and Zac and a couple of other people. It’s gonna be really cool to be able to fully immerse ourselves with that and hopefully get something, you know, passed into the legislature to and for more than just this species but also this species specifically.
ATR: Yeah! And now that you’ve wrapped up your nursing contract, what are you looking forward to doing now?
Noah Erb: Man, that’s hard! I wanna do everything, I wanna do it all! So, I’m trying to focus my efforts on some things that are most important to me, I get the most enjoyment, and also can help benefit people. We plan into getting more into real estate. She’s, you know, very involved with the deaf community. I would love to do more trips like this one coming up, so that’s in the talks and I’m meeting more people that we can help raise awareness for wildlife and things like that, I think it’s awesome. I don’t really have a good answer for you as I wanna do it all. I’m only like 2 days out of my last nursing contract and then I’ll take a substantial break, so right now, it’s just trying to figure out the direction, but I’m open! I’m open to it all.
Abigail Heringer: He’s staying busy, though, so that’s not an issue.
Noah Erb: I’m open for it all, you know, I have a pretty decent platform a decent size to be able to make a bigger impact. I’m just still looking for that direction on where exactly, what exactly.
ATR: So what would be your guys’ dream destination to travel to? Got a list of places that you’ve always wanted to go to?
Abigail Heringer: We do have a couple!
Noah Erb: So, I’ve been to Paris and Italy on a solo trip. Now, I wanna take her (Abigail) for a couple days in Paris.
Abigail Heringer: We wanna try to get over to Europe.
Noah Erb: And then go to Italy for like 10 days. The Amalfi Coast, I wanna go to Italy because we live like that anyways. We’re always eating Italian food, we’re always trying different wines, cheeses, and that culture there. I just love the culture. It’s a very laid-back culture. So, that’s on my list. We also have a couple of trips, her and I, in the next month and a half.
Abigail Heringer: We’re kinda staying in Central America, but Europe is on the list.
Noah Erb: (*In relation to traveling to Italy*) So, yeah that’s on the list. I’m also kinda on a mission to, I don’t know how many countries that I’ve been to, like around 30, and I wanna go back to all of those countries with Abby. I think that would be cool and fun.
Abigail Heringer: Buckle up! (*everyone laughing*)
Noah Erb: Yeah, giddy up because I have amazing memories and a great time, but that was solo travel. It’s much different sleeping in hostels and taking trains everywhere by yourself, then it is, you know, and would be with her.
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— People (@people) October 9, 2021
ATR: And I’ll ask you the same thing I asked her (Abigail). Besides Abigail, what would be the best thing you would say came out of being on the show?
Noah Erb: Well, you really learn a lot about yourself. Obviously, Abigail’s the true prize, but you do learn a lot about yourself because it’s like a petri dish. You watch it back and you remember what exactly happened, and then you see other sides of it in other people’s interviews and what you could’ve done better, so it’s really cool to get that experience. I also, you know, got a decent-sized platform that I can use, hopefully for benefit, and, you know, we got a lot of opportunities from just going on the show. So, I’d say the most valuable thing was, yeah, getting that whole experience of like, yeah, learning about myself. And then, yeah, obviously having a bigger platform.
Abigail Heringer: Oh, I thought that you were gonna say ‘obviously me’! (*Points to herself*)
(*Both Noah and Abigail are laughing and smiling*)
Noah Erb: No, well yeah, I already mentioned that! (*Everyone laughing and smiling*) It’s just such a life change. It is definitely a life change because my life trajectory was much different than it is now. I was pretty much just doing what I wanted to do, going where I wanted to go, people didn’t really pay attention to what I was doing as I’m just living my life as my life. So now it’s just I have a lot more eyes on me and you know, I can’t just do everything that I wanna do. And I do have more opportunities than I did before.
Thank you Abigail and Noah for taking the time out to speak with us!
Abigail and Noah were an absolute delight to speak to! Let us know what you thought of our conversation in the comments below!