The Bachelor Season 26, Episode 8: Heroes and Villains
The Bachelor Season 26, Episode 8: Villains
*By the way, these ladies are listed in order from most likely a villain to least likely a villain this week!*
#1: Rachel
Okay, folks…back onto Rachel now! While she’s not necessarily a villain per say, she’s just boring and overall annoys the crap out of me. I’m tired of her complaining and not expecting certain things to happen on certain episodes and weeks of the show (hint hint, wink wink for next week’s Fantasy Suites dates).
I don’t really feel bad for her that she lost her voice because I know exactly why it happened: she complained too much and thank goodness because producers, the cam crew, Clayton and most importantly and most annoyed of them all, myself, was happy to hear it…or not hear it if you catch my drift.
#2: Susie
Susie’s not really a villain per say, but much like Rachel, she’s just boring, dry, and overall makes me want to rush the episode to be over faster and much much quicker. In all honesty, I really do like Susie I just think that she’s boring! Sorry, girl – and don’t worry – yes I really am sorry this time! For once, am I right, folks?!
#3: Serene
Okay, y’all…Serene’s really not a villain. I really don’t have anything, truly, bad to say about her. She unfortunately got sent home too late. In my personal opinion, Clayton should’ve just left her in her hometown because we all know that that particular thing doesn’t just happen overnight. Sorry Serene…and sorry to you too, Clayton. It really is a shame that one person could be so stupid and rude all in one…ladies and gents I bring you, Mr. Echard!
#4: Gabby
Gabby’s legitly the least of likely to be a villain…ever. She’s funny, she loves all people and is always happy for others. In reality, some people who thankfully are no longer with us on this season didn’t do the same for her. I can’t wait for your dad’s girlfriend to get better! And I really need to meet your Grandpa – all men could surely learn a thing…or twelve…from that man, seriously! You go, Grandpa and Gabby, y’all just go!
And by the way for the record, more people should take notes from her Grandpa John…never take off your weddings rings if you grow old together especially. My Nonna (Grandma In Italian) does this and my Nonno (Grandpa In Italian) has been gone for more than I’ve lived my life on this planet. People may leave this earth and pass on, but always remember this one single thing: that love never ever does! Much love to all over here!
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Who made your list of heroes and villains from this week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 26? Share them in the comments below!