How long is The Bachelor tonight? (Season 26, Episode 4)

The Bachelor season 26
The Bachelor season 26

The Bachelor Season 26 returns tonight as Clayton Echard hopes to dwindle down the number of contestants to find the love of his life. This season, that task seems to be easier said than done, however. Most of the women can’t stand each other, and I think it’s safe to say that Bachelor Nation as a collective cannot stand Shanae.

I was watching this week’s promo and I have to tell you, if you haven’t seen it, it might be best if you didn’t at all. It’s completely focused on Shanae and how she’s going to be getting into fights with every single person.

I don’t think that sounds appealing at all–at all.

Nevertheless, this is what’s going down during tonight’s episode, but one can hope that we get some wonderful moments of love as well. Clayton doesn’t seem to have too much chemistry with any of the contestants, however. We’ll be hard-pressed to see many romantic moments, but we’re still clinging to the little hope we do have.

How to watch The Bachelor tonight

Tonight’s episode of The Bachelor will be on at 8 PM EST on ABC–as usual!

If you don’t have cable and/or ABC, you can catch new episodes of The Bachelor on FuboTV, which has a free trial right now.

You can also watch all-new episodes on Hulu the day after they air.

The Bachelor Season 26, Episode 4 length

If you’re trying to figure out your TV-watching schedule for tonight, then we’re pleased to inform you that tonight’s episode of The Bachelor will be two hours long.

Looking at ABC’s schedule, following the episode of The Bachelor, you can catch the second episode of Promised Land. It’s a brand-new series that just premiered last week, so be sure to check it out (especially if you’re a fan of Scandal’s Bellamy Young!).

Stay calm and carry on, we’ve got two hours of The Bachelor tonight!

Are you going to be watching tonight’s episode? Let us know in the comments below!