The Bachelorette Season 18: Who is already an early contender?

THE BACHELOR - Ò2508Ó Ð ItÕs time to meet the families! Though Matt and his final four wonÕt be leaving the resort, their loved ones have safely arrived and are ready to get to know the man that has stolen these womenÕs hearts. Over the course of four intense and emotional dates, there will be plenty of tough conversations, heartfelt moments and touching surprises. In the midst of all the thrills, MattÕs ego may not be the only thing bruised along the way on ÒThe Bachelor,Ó airing MONDAY, FEB. 22 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)MICHELLE
THE BACHELOR - Ò2508Ó Ð ItÕs time to meet the families! Though Matt and his final four wonÕt be leaving the resort, their loved ones have safely arrived and are ready to get to know the man that has stolen these womenÕs hearts. Over the course of four intense and emotional dates, there will be plenty of tough conversations, heartfelt moments and touching surprises. In the midst of all the thrills, MattÕs ego may not be the only thing bruised along the way on ÒThe Bachelor,Ó airing MONDAY, FEB. 22 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)MICHELLE
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ABC/Craig Shodin
ABC/Craig Shodin

The Bachelorette Season 18: The Outcast/Misc. Men: Part One

#1: Alec, 29

Hometown: North Charleston, South Carolina

Profession: Engineer

He’s been previously married one other time and, according to his cast bio, has since learned a lot about the tried and true values of the word ‘commitment’ and what it truly takes to make love last. He’s not here to waste anyone’s time. In a way, he reminds me of Michael A. from Katie’s season. He’s here for the purest of intentions and reasons, ready to steal all of America’s hearts!

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin

#2: Bryan, 30

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Profession: NFL Player

First off, his cast photo makes him look like a gentle giant meets goofball, which I think we can all appreciate at these times! Also, anytime someone from Chicago (near my hometown, some home state) is on, it never ends up well for them, but I certainly hope that that changes for dear Bryan over here. Bryan learned all the moves from watching rom-coms with his sisters…HOW. SWEET.

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin

#3: Garrett, 33

Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah

Profession: Tech CEO

According to his cast bio, Garrett has had his fair share of risk-taking moments in his life, therefore, making him not afraid to do so….one bit. He dropped out of college to start his very own incredibly successful tech company (which had always been his tried and true dream). I wonder what exactly that tech company is called…anyone know? I hope Garrett does well this season!

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin

#4: LT, 38

Hometown: Bellevue, Washington

Profession: Yoga Guru (oh boy, already….)

For some odd reason, I just can’t see LT and Michelle together as a couple. Maybe I’m wrong, but maybe I’m very very right because I just don’t see it. At all. Even for a mere split second. According to his cast bio, he’s never really had to worry about anything throughout his life, which is why I almost put him on the ‘too goods side of the list. Don’t be weird. Don’t be conceited.

ABC/Craig Sjodin
ABC/Craig Sjodin

#5: Martin, 28

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Profession: Personal Trainer

His cast bio does his good looks absolutely nothing. His cast photo on Cosmopolitan’s website makes his eyes look super striking and bright and different than (almost) any other guy this season (thus far). I don’t think he’ll make it super far. He’s a tried and true beefcake, can always be seen working out on a beach in Miami, and giving me the world’s biggest rolling-eyes headache……