Bachelor in Paradise Season 7, Episode 10: Best and worst moments

BACHELOR IN PARADISE - “709” – There’s more than one storm brewing this week in Paradise. Picking up right where we left off, a devastated Kendall shares a tearful confession with her former beau, but a coupled-up Joe just can’t tell her what she wants to hear. Then, guest host Lil Jon attempts to turn up the heat, bringing in two new guys who are ready to make up for lost time. Meanwhile, some couples are taking it to the next level while others hit stumbling blocks, but things only get more complicated as clouds roll in and Paradise is forced to take a break from the beach. When the clouds part, even if there isn’t a lot of damage from the storm, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a mess to clean up on “Bachelor in Paradise,” TUESDAY, SEPT. 21 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)BACHELOR IN PARADISE
BACHELOR IN PARADISE - “709” – There’s more than one storm brewing this week in Paradise. Picking up right where we left off, a devastated Kendall shares a tearful confession with her former beau, but a coupled-up Joe just can’t tell her what she wants to hear. Then, guest host Lil Jon attempts to turn up the heat, bringing in two new guys who are ready to make up for lost time. Meanwhile, some couples are taking it to the next level while others hit stumbling blocks, but things only get more complicated as clouds roll in and Paradise is forced to take a break from the beach. When the clouds part, even if there isn’t a lot of damage from the storm, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a mess to clean up on “Bachelor in Paradise,” TUESDAY, SEPT. 21 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)BACHELOR IN PARADISE

We are nearing the end of Bachelor in Paradise Season 7and episode 10 really brought the drama in the form of off-camera hi-jinks, tearful newcomers, and plenty of 80’s music!

Now, without further ado, let’s get to the best and worst moments of episode 10!

What happened to Ivan on Bachelor in Paradise?
(ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Bachelor in Paradise Season 7, Episode 10: Worst moment: Ivan’s punishment

Oh, Ivan. He did not have a great season. However. Was his visit to Alexa’s hotel room really THAT big a deal? Wells called it a giant mistake. Giant?

Let’s be clear–Ivan is in no way the first contestant to do something off-camera. A TON of stuff has happened behind the backs of producers over the seasons. Who can forget the time when Kaitlyn Bristowe told Shawn he was the one…off camera!

Yet, Ivan’s punishment was so overblown. Why did he have to “gather everyone” and “come clean” to them? Let’s be clear–Ivan had no prospects. Who was he hurting by visiting Alexa’s room? I can see where it would have made sense to show him apologizing to the producers for going around the system, but apologizing to the cast? Why? How were they affected at all?

The worst (but most hilarious) moment was when Ivan said in the limo that he’s going to live with this for the rest of his life. At that point, I just had to laugh.

Bachelor in Paradise Season 7
(ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Bachelor in Paradise Season 7, Episode 10: Best moment #1: Saving tears, saving hearts, saving lives

Turns out I love Ed in Paradise! In a setting in which the men have overall seemed very passive, I for one was thrilled to see a man step up and ask a woman on a date (one that wasn’t even his to ask!).

In the face of a less than enthusiastic date, Ed was just so positive: “I’m going to have fun regardless!” It was refreshing.

Bachelor in Paradise Season 7, Episode 10: Best moment #2: Wells spikes the punch at prom

Enough said. Wells is the hero of Paradise.

Tune in next week for the Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 finale! 

What were your favorite moments of the episode? Share in the comments!