Last night’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 brought us back to Demi’s first moment back on the beach. She had a warm welcome, but the women were nervous because there were only ten men with roses to give out and 14 women to pick from. Demi chatted with Connor, Kenny, and Brendan. She asked Brendan on a date, and he accepted.
Natasha struggled with her emotions while Brendan was on his date with Demi. Brendan and Demi had fun riding jet skis and had private time on a more secluded beach. They kissed, but Brendan didn’t seem ready to commit to only Demi. Brendan wanted to keep his options open, but she wanted a firm commitment.
Back on the beach, the rumor mill started spinning when someone commented on Brendan spending time with Pieper before the show. Abigail described the rumor as a game of telephone because the story kept changing from person to person.
The rumor started with Brendan hanging out with Pieper to him being Pieper’s boyfriend. Brendan wasn’t on the beach to explain himself, but it came up later in the night. He defended himself and announced his attraction to Natasha–not Demi or Pieper.
Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 date card #2
Jessenia received the second date card, and she took Ivan. The couple formed a closer connection during their evening away from the drama on the beach. In addition to the Brendan rumor, some women knew that Victoria P. had a boyfriend back home. She was trying to connect with James to receive a rose, which upset the people who knew about her existing boyfriend.
Ivan and Jessenia are about to pull a Kevin and Astrid and just fade into the background and enjoy a free vacation. #BachelorInParadise
— Trent (@BarstoolTrent) August 24, 2021
Everyone gathered for their first cocktail party, and David Spade cracked some jokes to help ease the tension. But he announced that he wouldn’t be hosting the next night. The first drama was when Victoria L. was privately chatting with Tre, which upset Tahzjuan. Victora L. left the confrontation with Tahzjuan crying.
First day of school at @BachParadise On tonight! #bachelorinparadise
— David Spade (@DavidSpade) August 23, 2021
Then Tammy told James about Victoria P.’s boyfriend. James confirmed the information with Kelsey before asking Victoria P. about it. She denied the rumor and said they broke up. Victoria P. was on the defense. Later, Victoria P. confronted Kelsey and Tammy, and the drama escalated. She decided to leave Paradise before the rose ceremony. Victoria P. said goodbye to James but not to anyone else.
Victoria calling her aspiring country singer in the car home #BachelorInParadise
— Francesca (@BarstoolFran) August 24, 2021
Last night’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 ended with a rose ceremony hosted by Wells. The couples were Ivan and Jessenia, Noah and Abigail, Joe and Serena P., Connor and Maurissa, Tre and Tahzjuan, Karl and Deandra, Brendan and Natasha, Aaron and Tammy, and Kenny and Mari.
James decided to give Demi his rose, leaving Kelsey, Victoria L., and Serena C. rose-less and leaving Paradise.
The next episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 is Tuesday, Aug. 24th, on ABC at 8 PM EST!
Who do you think will join Paradise tomorrow night? Let us know in the comments!