Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 began earlier this week, and it was nothing short of the typical drama. It stepped things up a notch as far as night one kisses go, am I right? And that’s just the icing on the proverbial cake when it comes to the premiere.
Where is one place where you can look up spoilers, give your opinions, and trash talk your fave and least fave contestants? Twitter! Let’s see what Twitter thought of this week’s Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 premiere.
Spoiler Alert: Night one was steamy, dreamy, and dramatic (what’s new, right?)!
1.) First up, we’ve got two popular podcast hosts, making fun of a past contestant’s comments.
How could they air Kenny like this knowing Yosef has kids at home? #BachelorInParadise
— Chicks in the Office (@ChicksInTheOff) August 17, 2021
2. Brett S. Vergara decided to poke fun at Joe and praise Abigail and Noah being together!
3. The resident crier, Ashley I., questioned something about Kenny and polled her audience… Personally, I’ll choose option one. Will we ever know the real truth?! Thoughts?!
Is Kenny really naked? #BachelorInParadise
— Ashley Iaconetti (@ashleyiaco) August 17, 2021
4. I couldn’t agree any more with this tweet than I already do!
David Spade is the host we never knew we needed on BIP #BachelorInParadise
— Chicks (@Chicks) August 17, 2021
5. Come on…if you don’t feel this way, then you’re just plain ‘ol wrong…
Spot on, David, spot on.
Maybe 1000
— David Spade (@DavidSpade) August 17, 2021
6. This tweet just made me giggle out loud. I personally hate Victoria, so there’s that…
“It’s not zip-ties, it’s expensive!” #BachelorInParadise
— Katie (@kateexpectation) August 17, 2021
7. Another funny one over here! The fact that they actually played them all saying it really did it for me. Props to producers and editors for that one! Well done, my friends. Well. Done.
Half the cast thinking they had the first kiss in paradise.
— xtina 🦋 (@christinabobin3) August 17, 2021
The producers:#bachelorinparadise
8. What we’re all thinking here….so cute together, am I right?!
9. I just simply can’t with this one…
10. If you don’t think that this is true, then go home…or somewhere far away; you’re wrong!
11. So true!
12. Tahzjuan’s is my personal favorite because that would be right under my own name! HA!
This must stay for #TheBachelorette next season.#BachelorInParadise
— BrosWatchingBachelor (@BrosWatching) August 17, 2021
13. Props to Abigail for being sweet, honest, and having the best smile and laughing during the entirety of Paradise! Not a Noah fan at all, but for some reason, I absolutely love them together! YAY!
14. Ahem…Victoria (not a Goddess) alert! So awkward and stupid if you ask me. Sorry…not!
15. And finally…some closing words from the show, Bachelor in Paradise, themselves!
The #BachelorInParadise premiere is already full of drama so make sure to catch up on all the fun (and tears)! Stream on Hulu.
— Bachelor in Paradise (@BachParadise) August 17, 2021
The Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 premiere really made a splash in the ocean for me! And I hope that it did for all of you guys too!
From steamy make-outs to everyone thinking that they got the first kiss. From Joe being sad on the beach, to the drama and love triangles and squares beginning already. This season already has it all, so be sure to tune in every Monday night(s) at 8/7C!
The premiere is HERE! Tune in for the rest of the season for more drama, and all else in between!
What were your initial reactions during this premiere? Have a favorite runny Twitter reaction? Share all thoughts and questions down below!