Bachelor in Paradise contestant: Serena Pitt
There has been a lot of drama and controversy this season, but I can honestly say that Serena P. was never involved in it and I admire her for that. I know she was a fan favorite and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was a bit shocked to see her revelation last night.
During her hometown date specifically, when Matt met her family, you could tell that Serena P. was feeling a bit off. While talking with her family she expressed that she was a bit confused and not sure where to go next. You could feel the tension all night, but it wasn’t until Matt went to see her later on in the episode when things took a turn for the worse.
Serena P. explained that she didn’t think Matt was “her person” and that she couldn’t continue on anymore. You could tell Matt was shaken and taken back by what she said, I think because he had real feelings for her. It was a hard scene to watch, as Matt drove off saying goodbye to Serena P. for the last time, visually upset.
This isn’t all bad news though, because it allows us to speculate about Serena P. and the probability of seeing her in the future, and I don’t just mean on Bachelor in Paradise. By now we have all seen the rumors that Katie Thurston may no longer be the next Bachelorette. With that being said I think Serena P. would be an amazing candidate for the position and if production is looking for someone to fill the role, look Serena P.’s way!
If we don’t see her as the next Bachelorette, I’m almost 100% certain we will see her on Bachelor in Paradise. Why? Because she is bubbly, kindhearted, genuine, and absolutely beautiful. I think any guy would be lucky to be with someone like Serena P. and I’m sure there are a lot of men who feel the same. Even former contestants.
Of course, you could match Serena P. with fellow Canadian Blake Moynes based on where they live, which is not far from each other at all. And I actually think the two may hit it off. Blake is very outgoing and always cracking jokes, while Serena P. is way more understated, but this could balance the two out perfectly. I’ve mentioned before that Blake would be a great addition to Bachelor in Paradise, and if the two end up there together then I think it would be a shame not to see where things could go.
Other than Blake, I could see Serena P. hitting it off with Brendan Morais or even Ivan Hall. If the “opposites attract” theory doesn’t work with Blake, then I think both of these men have a chance with Serena P. Not only because they were both extremely genuine and real the entire time, but because they have the same type of understated way about them.
We are going to have to wait and see what the future has in store for Bachelor Nation!
Out of everyone mentioned so far this season, which contestants do you think will head to Bachelor in Paradise? Make sure to share your comments below!