After watching the latest episode of The Bachelor season 25 with Matt James tonight, all I can think is, “woof!” Although both Anna Redman and Victoria Larson were fortunately sent home early on in the episode, the drama and severe pettiness continued. MJ Snyder has quickly emerged as the new villain in the house, and fellow contestant Jessenia Cruz was not taking any garbage from her in episode 5.
Matt had some honest and intimate conversations with
and Abigail Heringer, and had a fun one-on-one date towards the end of the episode with Kit Keenan. But the drama sadly overshadowed the sweet moments, as MJ and Jessenia really got into it multiple times. At the end of the episode, Matt invited the two ladies to arrive at the cocktail party early so the three of them could sort it all out. And from the looks of it, only one of them will continue on in the process.
If you’re over all the unnecessarily catty parts of this season and are looking for a laugh, we’ve got you. Here are 18 of the best and most relatable memes from Week 5 of
The Bachelor
season 25.
The Bachelor memes
1. Mean girls pretending to not be mean is the worst.
Summary of #TheBachelor season so far:
— Derik Velasco (@derikvel) February 2, 2021
2. There’s absolutely no other reason she stayed on this long.
Matt on the phone with the producers telling him he can send Victoria home #TheBachelor
— Emily Hollowell (@hollowelle) February 2, 2021
3. At that moment, we knew we could relax soon.
All of us watching Victoria having the meltdown of all meltdowns that's gonna end with her going home #TheBachelor
— Trent (@BarstoolTrent) February 2, 2021
4. Perfect move on Matt’s part!
Love how Matt started the rose ceremony by giving roses to the new girls!!! #thebachelor #TheBachelorABC
— Accept This Rose (@IWatchBachelor) February 2, 2021
5. So now can Matt start forming real connections?
Now that Victoria and Anna are gone... I feel like #TheBachelor can REALLY start now
— Lindsey Updyke (@lindseyupdyke) February 2, 2021
6. They’re dodging a bullet, I’m sure.
Victoria: I’m never dating a Matt again ever!!
— Bachelor Fantake (@BachelorFantake) February 2, 2021
Matts everywhere:#TheBachelor
7. I cackled at the fact that he had nothing to say to her.
Live footage of Matt to Victoria at the end of that rose ceremony #TheBachelor
— Taylor Nicole (@tayyyy_ham) February 2, 2021
8. Confused on when Matt and Rachael fell in love but okay.
Falling in love?? They’ve hung out for like 5 hours!#TheBachelor
— Bachelor[ette] (@CheersToTheRose) February 2, 2021
9. So much drama, so little time.
How this episode has felt emotionally #TheBachelor
— TheBachBabes (@TheBachBabes) February 2, 2021
10. Yeah, you haven’t been around long!
I love when 23 year olds on a reality dating show say "I've been waiting my whole life for this." #TheBachelor
— Sara LaCavaLieberman (@SaraLCVALBRMN) February 2, 2021
11. That was unexpected and so intense!
12. Abigail deserves the world.
13. MJ is now the supreme villain of the house.
The spirit of Victoria never left. It only entered a new host.#TheBachelor
— Bachelor Fantake (@BachelorFantake) February 2, 2021
14. Kit’s one-on-one was cute, but this irked me.
Kit: My life is all about gold bentleys and having absolutely no understanding of real life #TheBachelor
— petty betty (@ghost_realtor) February 2, 2021
15. Yeah, what example? Seriously, explain!
16. Is the formula that hard this season?!
me every monday #TheBachelor
— Joosh (@JooshIsTroosh) February 2, 2021
17. I am always on team Katie.
Me ready to go to battle against whoever was fighting with my girl Katie in that preview #TheBachelor
— the bachelor & bitchelor 🌹 (@acceptedrose) February 2, 2021
18. And finally, we’ll be getting some Tyler C. action hopefully next week!
Seeing Tyler C in the new teaser for #TheBachelor
— Natalie Zamora (@nataliezamoraa) February 2, 2021
Continue watching The Bachelor season 25 every Monday night on ABC for more drama, heartfelt moments, and of course more memes.