Another week, another two hours of my guilty pleasure known as The Bachelor Season 25. And yet again the wine proved to be the best part of the evening. Each week the excitement keeps me tuning in, but is this season even really any good?
Sure the “characters” give us a lot to talk about but this season seems to be dull. I’m not sure if it’s because of the single location or the repetitive dates.
But Tayshia only had one location and I still found her season to be more interesting than what we have here with Matt James’ season. I’m not sure what the deal is but there is definitely something missing with The Bachelor Season 25, and I can’t quite put my finger on it.
At any rate, another week and another cringe or two between the good the bad, and the ugly.
The Bachelor Season 25: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good:
Katie Thurston sticking up for Sarah Trott after she had already left the premises gives us the “vibes” we all need. There is good in this world and a lot of it can be found through Katie.
The introduction of the five new girls provided a refreshing look at arrival limos without the spectacle you usually get on night one. Getting to see Ben Higgins and Wells Adams again certainly was a sight for sore eyes as well.

The Bad:
Matt starts to get to know the new contestants and asks one girl about her big family–“I have one brother”. But maybe he’s like pushing 6’5″ himself, so that makes it a big family?
Obviously, the obstacle course date was just plain bad. I mean, poor Magi is still rowing in her pumpkin, isn’t she? Social media was all a flurry with the contestants dressed up as squirrels and making every joke possible. It was nuts (pun, although bad, intended). #SquirrelDate
Matt’s inability to close his eyes when kissing and his cavalier attitude with the ladies round out the bad we endured as fans of this franchise. Matt is not the worst Bachelor we have met but he leaves me wanting more.

The Ugly:
Creating the athletic competition as a boxing match was ugly. The Queen’s need to bash Sarah even though she’s gone and taking the new girl’s crown was uglier. Anna’s “I heard a rumor, and I’m going to spread it as truth” was quite possibly the ugliest. There are many fans complaining that ABC is enabling the bullying but I can only hope that they will not continue to reward bad behavior and we will soon learn that bullies never win.
Despite having no connection with either of them, Matt is inexplicably keeping Victoria and Anna around. During a brief one-on-one moment Anna had with Matt, Anna takes a play from Katie’s playbook and negotiates when Brittany tries to “steal him for a sec”. Later Anna approaches Brittany to tell her she’s heard thru the small town Chicago grapevine that she’s masquerading as an escort. Brittany was shocked that not only did Anna hear this, but shared it with the housemates. The middle school handbook clearly states this is against the rules!
Victoria chimes in with more cringe-worthy awkwardness suggesting that Brittany leave the house as she shouldn’t be there. The “mean girls” even stretch it to say Brittany has a serial killer vibe. Really?? This was so hard to watch. The new girls walked into a disadvantage for sure, but it didn’t really give the “OGs” the right to rip them to shreds and suggest they go home.
There may be no rules anymore, but that’s up to production and if new contestants arrive, the “OGs” need to deal with it.
Did we miss something cringeworthy from this episode of The Bachelor Season 25? Let us know in the comments!