This week, The Bachelor Season 25 had one crazy episode, not so much for the drama, but definitely for the fashion (not all good moments at all, let me tell ya)!
Now, here we go with the fashion negatives of the week: Victoria and Sarah.
Fashion Donts

#1: Victoria (it’s always Victoria)
I mean, come on, it’s Victoria. Enough said, am I right?
Her polka dot dress was absolutely terrible. Can someone please style her for her? I’ll pay for a stylist if I have to.
She’s just ugly in a bunch of different ways: personality, fashion, how she treats others, etc. Until she goes home, expect to see her name on this list because she bothers me and all of America in the worst ways possible. Horrible, horrible clothes, girl. Ugh. She’s just gross.
Girl, bye!

#2: Sarah
I’m just a fan of Sarah at all really. Unfortunately, she really turned me off this week from her interrupting the group date. At least if you’re gonna do that, look good doing it. Sorry, not sorry girlfriend. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.
Not much more to be said because Sarah’s not really worth a breath of your time either, tbh.
As far as Matt’s fashion donts moments go for this week, nothing really that bad to note here for Matt! Good for you, man!
That’s a wrap on this week’s fashion dos and don’t of The Bachelor Season 25! Share your favorite ones in the comments below!
Be sure to tune in next week for another fashion review! And don’t forget to share in the comments!