The Bachelor Season 25 shook things up with a dramatic third episode, featuring these best and worst moments!
Each season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, there are many things I look for—drama, real emotions, hilarity, group date ridiculousness, a sincere and engaging lead. However, there’s one thing I look for above all else—unpredictability!
This week on The Bachelor Season 25 served that up in spades. Sure, there were some familiar moves—a contestant interrupting a group date, someone leaving the show early, a sex-fueled group date—but the way everything turned out was wonderfully unexpected! I for one was 100% shocked that Sarah, an obvious frontrunner, actually left the show.
Without further ado, let’s get to the best and worst moments from this week’s episode of The Bachelor Season 25!

The Bachelor Season 25, Episode 3: Worst moment: The group date
Awkwardness for days. A contestant crashing another group’s date is nothing new, and it always gets a reaction. However, this one was more painful than most to watch. Who didn’t have to look away in awkwardness as Katie returned time and time again (understandably) to ask for Matt back?
It seems clear in these moments that the lead is not really allowed to just say, “Okay, Sarah, you have to leave.” It would have been helpful if he had, but it seems like producers and producers alone decide who gets the time.
What seemed to irritate the girls on the group date the most was Sarah’s attitude that she had had it hard on the season so far when, compared to most others, she has absolutely not had it hard. She had more time than all the other girls and still needed more. And in the Bachelor world, time is everything. It’s hard to believe her chat with Matt just couldn’t wait one more day, especially since she told him she didn’t even know what to say.
Insult was added to injury when Queen Victoria and Katie chased Sarah down outside of the building to berate her. What they said was true, yes, but was it really the right time to talk to her when she was sobbing in the front yard?
Either way, this will stand in my mind as one of the most awkward “contestant crashes group dates” I’ve ever witnessed!