The Bachelor Season 25: The Crazies: Part one
#1: Alana, 26
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Profession: Photographer
If you’re like this, don’t take it personally, but I always feel like those on a self-discovery journey who come on this show are always crazy and a little ‘out-there’. Don’t get me wrong, she’s cute and all, but she’s just got that look in her eyes that reminds me of every crazy girl on any reality show ever (sorry, girl, you seem nice at least).
#2: Amber, 30
Hometown: Costa Mesa, California
Profession: Nursing Student
Upon first glance at her, she doesn’t look like this, but she’s got a 13-year-old son who is her pride and joy (for that, she’s extremely admirable); however, she states that she is openly stubborn and impatient, and I can already picture her stealing Matt 10+ times a night irritating all of the other girls who ‘never got time with him’ in any given night. Plus, she’s not even smiling in her picture….can she even be trusted?
#3: Kimberly, 28
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Profession: Airline Recruiter
First of all, she just doesn’t look like she’d make a good couple in the end with Matt. Beyond that, she also says that she’s not afraid to step away from a relationship. Watch out, Matt.
#4: Magi, 32
Hometown: Adwa, Ethiopia
Profession: Pharmacist
People often describe Magi as being just a little ‘too nice’, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing; I just don’t want that to come back and bite her in the a** later on in the show. I hope other people seeing that about her doesn’t make her crazy, although I don’t think she’ll be crazy straight out of the gate.