The Bachelorette: 6 Chad Johnson moments we will never forget

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Chad Johnson
Chad Johnson (Photo by Michael Tullberg/Getty Images)

Imagine it’s 2016, and the world has just been introduced to Chad Johnson–aka “Bad Chad”.

Chad Johnson, a name that sends shivers down our spines to this very day. Bad Chad is quite possibly one of the most hated contestants in Bachelor Nation history, and there hasn’t quite been anyone like him since.

If people thought Luke Parker was bad, then they likely hadn’t seen Chad Johnson’s shenanigans on JoJo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette. It was…interesting, to say the least. Between his rise to fame as the resident meat lover of the house to infamously throwing temper tantrums around the house, Chad Johnson covered it all.

Tonight’s episode of The Bachelor: Greatest Seasons Ever will take a look back on JoJo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette, which means we’re about to dive back right into the best “Bad Chad” moments. Whether it’ll be the first time you’ll see the infamous Chad Johnson or the millionth time, buckle in for what promises to be a wild ride.

You can take a quick peek at some of these moments in the clip above, but worry not, we’re about to dive into some of the most cringiest, wildest, and “you want to look away but you can’t” Chad Johnson moments below.

And be sure to share some of your favorites in the comments below!