Dive into the trenches of The Bachelor with us as we explore some not so well-hidden secrets about the series!
The Bachelor is a world full of secrets, and no, not just about the contestants and their shady pasts. ABC producers probably don’t want us to know, but there are plenty of behind-the-scenes shenanigans that they enforce. Including but not limited to contestants being barred from eating on dates or the lack of pay for contestants that leave behind their lives to be on the show.
Well, I suppose they do end up getting a plethora of opportunities after the fact, but you see where we are going with this. I mean, what’s up with the infamous 2-drink per hour alcohol limit?
What are some of The Bachelor’s secrets? Let’s dive right in!
The contestants don’t get paid while on the show but the leads “supposedly” make over 100K. Wait, what?
Yes! You read that right. 100K! According to Bachelor Nation guru Reality Steve, one of the higher paid Bachelorettes was Emily Maynard, as she made over 250K during her season of The Bachelorette. Not too confident about the exact specifics, but it seems like the average number paid to these leads is typically over 100K. But no, the contestants do not get paid…only fame, a lot of Instagram followers, and an exclusive VIP ticket to the clique that is Bachelor Nation…sounds pretty great to me.
Amy Kauffman, author of Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of America’s Favorite Guilty Pleasure, revealed the specifics of the finances behind being a Bachelor Nation influencer–and it’s interesting, to say the least.
"250,000 followers = $1,000/ad. 500,000 followers = $2,000/ad. And if you have 1 million followers? You’re probably getting at least $10,000 per ad."