The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart season 1, episode 4 power rankings

The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: (ABC/John Fleenor)
The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: (ABC/John Fleenor)

Another week, another giant sob-fest on last night’s episode of The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart. And I don’t just mean by me on my couch as we watched Sheridan reach the inevitable and have his heart ripped out by Julia.

Listen to Your Heart finally comes to a dramatic conclusion with the love quad, as Jamie experiences another pre-performance breakdown, and we witness the quickest “I love you” this franchise has ever seen. Our contestants were making some bold choices this week on Listen to Your Heart. But who came out on top?

OK, I preface this by asking Bachelor Nation to not come at me for this take so hear me out. Our top power player this week was none other than the bad boy of the love foursome, Two-Faced Brandon. *hides behind a bottle of wine in preparation for the keyboard outrage*

I know, I know he was sent packing after his emotionally forced performance with Julia, but the guy was in total control via manipulation the whole rest of the episode. He kissed Julia on their date then kept that little secret to himself and had Savannah spinning in circles so much so that she decided on her own to head home. Brandon didn’t even break things off with her himself! How? So sneaky by this idiot. He definitely knew what he was doing.

Once Brandon had Julia in his clutches, Natascha dropped a truth bomb (more on that shortly) and it was back to Confusion City–Population: Julia. Brandon avoided her questioning and went back to his favorite past-time of gaslighting before they had to awkwardly pretend everything was peachy-keen during their performance.

Their acting was not as good as their singing and the pair were sent packing with Julia spouting off regrets about Sheridan and vowing to NEVER talk to Brandon again. I’m not sure Brandon cares, sweetie, but you do you! Goodbye, drama queens.

Second place in the rankings goes to everyone’s favorite pot-stirrer, Natascha.

First, she tried to make Rudi jealous AF by cuddling up to shirtless Matt when Rudi was forced to go on a date with Chris. Then she came in hot with the tea about how Brandon really wasn’t 100% all-in with Julia telling her this right before their performance. All under the guise of being a friend looking out for her buddy. Sabotage! Say it isn’t so! It was delightful.

As if being sent home wasn’t the icing on the cake for betrayed Julia, Natascha once again received tons of praise in front of the class from the guest judge, Andy Grammar, on her amazing vocals. Maybe you can write a song about this experience, Julia? The best music comes from trauma.

Finally, in our third spot for this week’s Listen to Your Heart, we have power couple who some might say are THE power couple of the show–Bri and Chris. *Sigh* These two lovebirds are head over heels for each other and are leading by example both vocally and in their relationship.

They sing as if each other is the only one in the room and they popped the “I love you” cherry immediately after their performance, right in front of Chris Harrison, the judges, and the world! Adorable. Here’s hoping these two crazy kids can make it in the real world after all of this is over.

And so with our main source of drama gone, we finally officially hit the road next week and go on “tour” with our 4 remaining couples! Tiny, confined spaces for forced cohabitation so soon–what could go wrong!? Perhaps the tour bus is the new fantasy suite? Tune in next week for all the steamy details.

Do you agree with our Listen to Your Heart power rankings this week? Let’s talk in the comments below!