The Bachelor: Listen To Your Heart: Season 1, episode 3 performance grades

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ABC/John Fleenor
ABC/John Fleenor /

Jamie Gabrielle & Trevor Holmes, “I Could Use a Love Song” – Maren Morris

Vocal Performance: B+

Alright, originally my first joke for their segment, which took place when they rehearsed in an abandoned barn, was ‘Oh good, there’s no audience, so Jamie should be able to actually sing.’ In light of her legitimate panic attack stage fright, I will refrain from snark. I don’t have a fear of public speaking, so I honestly have no idea what this feels like, but she was visibly terrified and nevertheless braved the stage.

With that said, the collateral damage was the first 75% of the song. Her nerves were palpable, both from her visible shallow breathing, and the translation of that through her sound. If it wasn’t apparent from the panning of the judges’ faces, she had us in the first half, not gonna lie. But by the end of the song, she genuinely shocked me with the power behind her voice. If she can conquer her residual performance phobias, Jamie could be the comeback player of the year.

Trevor, on the other hand, filled the role of literal and figurative comfort, through his actual person and his voice. He clearly didn’t have the lead in this song, and likely realized he would have caused a fainting spell on stage if he outsang Jamie. Accordingly, he stepped back and served as the non-sexy but necessary foundation of the performance.

Interpretive Routine: A-

Objectively they did not have a routine in place here, but the inflated grade comes from Jamie’s braving of her obvious extreme stage fright. Despite Jamie’s hand becoming Siamese twins with Trevor’s forearm, they legitimately did more than Julia and Sheridan and that is simply inexcusable when vocal abilities are taken into account. Jamie swayed as much as Brandon’s brain between Savannah and Julia, and for that, she passes with flying colors. Trevor, you were an amazing tree trunk – for the aforementioned reasons, I’ll give you a pass.

~Romance~ Level: A-

My assessment of Trevor is as follows: he’s that exceptionally good boyfriend who will eventually cheat on you. Do not think for a moment I’ve forgotten last week’s transgressions, Trev. But he was insanely supportive of Jamie, and seems really “tuned-in” and focused on her and making sure she’s comfortable in multiple scenes now. And Jamie clearly leans on Trevor for stability, as made clear by her fusion to his extremities on stage. I do, ultimately, feel like Jamie is falling too hard and too fast for someone who took fashion advice from Jed Wyatt.

Overall Grade: 89/100

Well, there you have it. With absolutely no structured nor standardized grading system, the comprehensive performance rankings are as follows for this week’s Listen to Your Heart:

1. Natascha & Ryan (duh)

2. Rudi & Matt

3. Bri & Chris

4. Jamie & Trevor

5. Savannah & Brandon

6. Julia & Sheridan (I’m aware this is criminal, but I can’t forgive Julia’s antics that carried over into her performance)

7. Bekah & Danny (sorry)

With a record deal on the line, tune in next week to see if anyone comes within 800 miles of catching Natascha and Ryan.

Next. The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart season 1, episode 3: The live performances have started!. dark

Were you similarly blown away by Natascha’s pipes? Think I was too harsh on Julia and Sheridan for their obvious level of talent? Let us know your thoughts about this week’s episode of Listen to Your Heart!