The Bachelor: Listen To Your Heart: Season 1, episode 2 performance grades

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ABC/Maarten de Boer
ABC/Maarten de Boer /

Julia, “The Bones” – Maren Morris

Vocal Performance: A+

I’m sorry, Julia can SANG. I was legitimately speechless when she started singing. It should be noted, of course, one of the people who hasn’t sung for zero reason thus far is objectively the best singer in this group at this point. She very much has a “recording voice,” and, particularly after being put on the spot to casually appear live on a radio show, knocked this out of the park. I finally got the range I was asking for, and her note transitions were extremely smooth. It helps that this is a song I actually like.

Interpretive Routine: A

Julia understands the importance of fighting off muscle atrophy and actually moved around a bit, an apparent rarity. She not only sang well, but she brought it in all aspects. Julia is a category above the rest thus far, and actually has a performative nature to her singing. She did the whole hands in the air when the note is high, had the eyes-closed-I’m-really-into-this-song thing going on, and even snuck in a few handholds with Sheridan while not missing a beat.

~Romance~ Level: C-

I mean, she isn’t Trevor, but Julia kind of sucked this episode of Listen to Your Heart in the romance department. Look, I get that it’s been two days, and quite frankly, it’s weirder that Bri and Chris are two days from I love you exchanges than it is to be unsure of your man of choice. But, my unsolicited advice? Don’t be all hand-holdey with someone you know is way more into you and then immediately turn around and half-dump them. Points for honesty, sure, but one can’t help but feel for Sheridan here. Also, am I losing it or did we just not see the evening portion of their date? Did they even have one?

It also wasn’t great that her apparent first admittance to kissing other guys happened on “live” radio. I also didn’t love that, seeing as Sheridan was visibly bothered a bit, she didn’t take any steps to reassure him thereafter. It makes sense in her following actions, but why go on the date at all? I also genuinely can’t understand the general concept of pining after a guy with three other girls in the running when you have a good guy who really likes just you right in front of you. The villain music at the end of the episode post-hug with Brandon was also not reassuring.

Overall Grade: B+

Listen to Your Heart
ABC/Maarten de Boer /

Sheridan, “The Bones” – Maren Morris

Vocal Performance: A+

The only thing that dropped my jaw more than Julia’s voice was Sheridan’s immediate follow-up verse where he also crushed it. Seriously, why was Michael Todd the one we were forced to listen to in episode one? These two are at this point at the top of the singer power rankings. Sheridan has a super smooth, bluesy folk sound to his voice and I’m digging it. Even his apparent nerves didn’t detract from his legitimate singing voice. Four for you, Glen Coco.

Interpretive Routine: A-

As just mentioned, his nerves were certainly palpable and he didn’t have the swaying down as well as Julia. But he was cute in a way that didn’t gross me out (I don’t have intimacy issues) and snuck a sweet smile at Julia that was so earnest it slightly melted my icy heart.

~Romance~ Level: A-

The only reason there’s a minus added is that he may have come on a biiiiit strong while failing to recognize Julia’s clear behind-the-eight-ball reciprocity. He also didn’t really seem to fight for her when her eye began wandering. To be fair, I don’t exactly blame him.

Again, it’s not as if Brandon is some solo, untethered sail fluttering in the wind at this point, and she didn’t really give their relationship much of a shot. But at the end of the day, the heart wants what it wants, and Sheridan wants to apparently be heartbroken at the hands of Julia, ultimately keeping her around to flirt with Brandon for another week.

Overall Grade: A