Ah, the last week on this season of The Bachelor before hometowns. Will this episode live up to the deli meat throwing of last season? (Spoiler: it doesn’t).
**WARNING: The Bachelor seasons SPOILERS ahead.
The following recap contains references to The Bachelor SEASON 24 SPOILERS. Articles on the site are unspoiled unless indicated. STOP READING If you do not read Reality Steve and want to avoid season spoilers.**
We pick up in Lima, Peru, and we have serious travel envy. Peru is at the top of our list of places we want to go. Again, we ask–did the show just pick places in South America to show off Peter’s Spanish? He FaceTimes Queen Barbra (his mom) and she gives him a much-needed confidence boost. This is adorable, but…imagine if Hannah had been allowed to contact her parents? Sigh.
Peter wanders around and looks at a windmill painting because, well, production works hard.
Back at the hotel, the women are chatting. Peter comes in and tells them he wants to make sure everyone wants the same things he does, and he’s worried about ending up with something one-sided (sup, Jed).

Madi’s one-on-one
Madison gets the first one-on-one and Natasha looks like she’s about to kill someone (seriously, have Natasha and Peter even met at this point?). When Madi shows up for their date, she does the whole run and jump into his arms thing, but she doesn’t do the leg wrap; has this ever been done before? So strange.
That’s right. Madi is anti-leg wrap. This was her on the hometown date next week. Absolute, 100% refusal to wrap the legs. Must be the good girl Christian in her pic.twitter.com/FVGO7fbPWo
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) February 11, 2020
Peter says Madi takes things slow…how exactly do we know that, Peter? These two seem really into each other. They go fishing and are both REALLY excited about it–the screeching in excitement is unbearable, but they’re cute.
Peter says he knows how quickly he can fall for someone. We’re aware, Peter. Their date goes really well and Peter says, “Madison doesn’t want me to doubt anything about her,” which is cute, but….as opposed to what? Is she going to say she’s not ready and that he should doubt her? Oh wait, Victoria F. does keep doing that. And we oop.
Back at the house, Kelsey notes that while they all love Madi, she’s not sure she is compatible with Peter because her faith is so important to her and they’re not sure Peter is at her level. You know the season has been completely overtaken by petty drama when the women don’t even know whether Peter is religious or not.
Hannah Ann is really nice here, and it’s nice to hear Madi is well-liked; a nice change of pace from everyone hating their fellow contestants! They both seem like girls’ girls and we like that. Do we now like Hannah Ann? Yes, yes we do!
At the dinner portion, Madi tells Peter what her faith means to her and that she wants someone who can lead her family in faith. Madi wants to grow with someone in that way and it is one of the most important things she is looking for in a husband. It’s somewhat difficult to follow what she’s saying because every other word is “like,” and it’s extremely distracting, so we can’t completely blame Peter for the blank stare.
After a truly unbearable awkward silence, Peter tries to swerve this topic. He acts like he’s on a job interview and they ask him about his experience in an area he has absolutely no experience in. He basically says he’s a Christmas and Easter Catholic but he’s willing to work on it, and then proceeds to blurt out he’s falling in love with her.
Madi doesn’t say it back (further, in the preview for next week, she says she could see herself falling in love with him if things go well…well…). She didn’t cry and STILL gets a rose, amazing. Then there’s making out against a wall. There must be a wall make-out stipulation in the lead’s contract, as we’ve seen this ~move~ every season.
Madi: I’m very religious and I want my husband to be a spiritual leader
— Wyd (@Its_what_its_) February 11, 2020
Luke P coming in out of nowhere: #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/kqJTZIH7Mw
Madison, sweetie, you deserve someone who feels the same way about faith that you do. We know Peter is billed as a Ben Higgins type, but Ben Higgins would be way more compatible with Madi (that said, we highly ship Jen).
Peter on every one on one #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/7JpFHmIj0s
— Ben Dover (@MrBenDover0) February 11, 2020