It’s clear the women aren’t getting along already on this week’s episode of The Bachelor. Peter watched the women model in a spicy fashion show, and there was a lot of drama around a champagne bottle.
The Bachelor picked up this week with Peter chatting with Hannah B. There was some more back and forth, but ultimately, Peter decided they needed to move on. Hannah B. left, and Peter called off the group date. The ladies were upset by the date cancellation, but they still met up with Peter during the cocktail hour.
Peter had a great time with the ladies that evening. There were several kisses and some adorable dancing. But ultimately, the ladies were upset that Hannah B. had stolen their time away from them. The night continued with more cocktails at the mansion.
There was some drama with Kelsey and a bottle of champagne. #ChampagneGate She was having a hard time already and then heard Hannah Ann and Peter pop open her champagne bottle. The champagne was from her birthday, and she was saving it for something special. Kelsey confronted Peter and Hannah Ann. Hannah Ann played dumb while Peter comforted Kelsey. They opened another bottle and champagne sprayed all over Kelsey’s face when she drank from the bottle.
A rose ceremony followed the champagne drama, and three women went home. The next group date arrived the following day. The ladies would model Revolve’s attire while being judged by Carson Kressley and Janice Dickenson. The ladies had so much fun on the runway. Victoria and Hannah Ann stood out among the judges. They had a final walk-off, and Hannah Ann won.
That’s one way to end a runway walk! 😉 #TheBachelor
— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) January 14, 2020
Ok there should be a separate runway show for girls who have never participated in pageants before RT IF YOU AGREE #TheBachelor
— Nicole Lopez-Alvar (@nicolelovar) January 14, 2020
After the group date, Victoria expressed her issues in the house. He found her fears endearing and comforted her for a bit. Then Hannah Ann shared that she felt bullied by Kelsey. Hannah Ann said she cried all night because of the words Kelsey said to her. Peter and Kelsey had an emotional conversation about the accusations. Peter didn’t know what to do, and they ended their discussion.
Ladies, I’m sorry, if you did not receive a rose maybe you should try spraying one of a kind champagne from a grocery store on your face next time #thebachelor
— Evan Bass (@ebassclinics) January 14, 2020
What will happen between Kelsey and Hannah Ann next week? We’ll need to wait for next week’s episode of The Bachelor to see what unfolds.