Pilot Peter is hopeful he will find love during season 24 of The Bachelor. The premiere was tonight, and Twitter thinks Peter’s future wife is in the mansion too.
The Bachelor season 24 kicked off its premiere with an abundance of interesting limo entrances and introductions. There were endless airline and pilot references. Many flight attendants arrived for their shot at love, and one lady even arrived inside a suitcase. One wore a paper airplane costume, while another woman came in a small, metal airplane, and one lady even waved Peter with a TSA wand stating she heard about a “big package”.
Other introductions included dancing, pinky promises, and windmill references. Another surprise was when a woman, Kelley, arrived who had met Peter a month ago. Many contestants were mad at Kelley’s encounter with him.
Then Hannah B. showed up to the mansion. Everyone was shocked and confused. Many people thought Hannah B. might compete this season. Instead, she decided to give Peter his wings back. During Hannah’s season, Peter gave her a set of wings stating he wanted to find his co-pilot. Hannah and Peter closed their chapter when she decided to give him his wings back. Now Peter can start a new chapter with a new woman.
Hannah Ann won the first impression rose. She rubbed a few of the women the wrong way by having so much time with Peter. The first rose ceremony arrived shortly after, and eight women went home. The first group date was the next day. In true Pilot Pete fashion, the date was flight related. Female pilots asked the ladies a series of math questions. After the math, the women were placed in a rotating gyroscope machine. Victoria P. went in the machine even though she was terrified of getting motion sick.
I’ve long said #TheBachelor team deserved an Emmy for how they edit their episodes. Turning a story about the Disney teacup ride into a horror montage is A+ television. pic.twitter.com/YIjTWpbwIk
— Jeff D. Lowe (@JeffDLowe) January 7, 2020
The rest of the date was a very challenging obstacle course. Kelley won the competition and took a plane ride with Peter as the pilot. Some of the ladies were mad at Kelley because they thought she cheated during the obstacle course. The cocktail party after had a lot of tension because of the jealousy. The tension continued when Peter gave Kelley the group rose.
Madison went on the first one on one date with Peter. They drove to Peter’s family’s house, and she met many of his friends and family. Peter officiated his parent’s vows in their backyard. His speech was beautiful and heartwarming. Madison caught the bouquet! At dinner, Peter stated it was the perfect first date.
WOW full pivot on Madison. Absolutely love this "i want this, but I also want you to be happy" speech #TheBachelor
— Kelly Keegs (@kellykeegs) January 7, 2020
Hannah B. introduced the second group date. She shared her story of dating Peter with everyone. The date involved the women sharing a story about sex in front of a live audience. While the ladies wrote their stories, Peter and Hannah B. had alone time. Hannah B. shed many tears, and her mascara was all over the place. Peter expressed how heartbroken he was when she picked Tyler over him.
Not gonna lie... our hearts completely shattered when Peter brought up Hannah B. asking Tyler on a date instead of him. 💔💔#TheBachelor
— E! News (@enews) January 7, 2020
Their conversation was very emotional. Peter asked Hannah B. if she wanted to join the house. She said maybe, but they continued to say “I don’t know” multiple times. After a lot of back and forth, the premiere ended with a cliff hanger.
Will Hannah B. join the cast of Peter’s season of The Bachelor? We’ll need to wait for next week’s episode to see what Peter and Hannah B. decide.