Luke Stone had quite the brutal sendoff during this week’s Bachelor in Paradise–but it may not have been as bad as we thought.
Bachelor in Paradise proved to be rather disappointing for Luke Stone. But what made it worse was the manner in which he went home. After offering his rose to Bri Barnes and being rejected, the awkward moment dragged on as Chris Harrison asked if anyone wanted to take Luke’s rose.
An extremely painful and awkward silence later, Harrison looks over to Luke S. and says he has to head home. It was pretty horrible to watch, and it felt even worse to see him walk away from the beach so defeated.
However, it turns out things may not have actually played out that way, according to Luke S.’ rants on Twitter and Instagram. He claims that the moment where Harrison asks if anyone wants to take Luke’s rose was the magic of some very mean editing.
😑 Chris Harrison did not “present my rose” to the group in reality I got shut down hugged everyone and left - well done editing team
— Luke Stone (@LukeStoneDC) September 11, 2019
Yikes, Bachelor in Paradise, that’s a pretty harsh way to edit someone’s exit. If this is indeed what happened, was it necessary?
Luke also posted a video clip of the moment on Instagram explaining what went down and what changes were made to that particular scene. If you watch closely, you can see how the video cuts from Harrison to the contestants. Not cool, not cool at all.
Suffice to say, he’s pissed and hasn’t been able to let it go since the episode aired.
And just when we thought Luke S. had calmed down a little, he took to Twitter once again to express his disappointment in Chris Harrison and Bachelor in Paradise.
I’ll drop this I promise - but I just want to say - I’m disappointed in you @BachParadise and @chrisbharrison. That is all.
— Luke Stone (@LukeStoneDC) September 12, 2019
Fans been expressing their support for Luke S. in the comments, while some are telling him to get over it. Me, personally? I’m not sure how I feel about the editing, it’s definitely a messed up thing to do, especially for dramatic purposes. But this is reality television we’re talking about, so are complaints even allowed?
What do you think? Do you think Luke S. got screwed over with this alleged edit? Share your comments below!