The Bachelorette: Colton’s fence jump or Hannah’s windmill sex?

THE BACHELOR - Will you accept this rose? In celebration of tonightÕs premiere of The Bachelor on ABC, thousands of guests visiting The Grove in Los Angeles over the weekend posed for photos at a gorgeous show-inspired rose wall installation. Over ten thousand long stem roses were also distributed throughout the upscale shopping destination. Bachelor Colton Underwood made a surprise appearance at the rose wall, delighting a swarm of unsuspecting fans waiting to take their photo. Other Bachelor Nation alumni also made appearances throughout the weekend, including Wells Adams, Eric Bigger, Wills Reid, Krystal Nielson, Chris Randone, Jade and Tanner Tolbert, and Annaliese Puccini. Be sure to watch ColtonÕs journey for love unfold, starting tonight at 8|7c on ABC. (ABC/Aaron Poole)COLTON UNDERWOOD
THE BACHELOR - Will you accept this rose? In celebration of tonightÕs premiere of The Bachelor on ABC, thousands of guests visiting The Grove in Los Angeles over the weekend posed for photos at a gorgeous show-inspired rose wall installation. Over ten thousand long stem roses were also distributed throughout the upscale shopping destination. Bachelor Colton Underwood made a surprise appearance at the rose wall, delighting a swarm of unsuspecting fans waiting to take their photo. Other Bachelor Nation alumni also made appearances throughout the weekend, including Wells Adams, Eric Bigger, Wills Reid, Krystal Nielson, Chris Randone, Jade and Tanner Tolbert, and Annaliese Puccini. Be sure to watch ColtonÕs journey for love unfold, starting tonight at 8|7c on ABC. (ABC/Aaron Poole)COLTON UNDERWOOD /

Bachelor alum, Colton Underwood, says Hannah’s windmill confession on the Bachelorette equates to his fence jump.

Bachelorette fans have been waiting to find out and see more of Hannah’s conversation regarding having sex with one of the contestants in a windmill–twice. Based on promos, this seems to be an argument she’s having with Luke P. who assumed she wasn’t sleeping with anyone before marriage. Let’s just say it pissed off Hannah enough for her to blurt out and confess to windmill sex.

We don’t know which contestant she might have slept with but Twitter and Bachelor Nation seems to believe it’s Jed Wyatt, which proves to be rather awkward considering his recent drama. While on the red carpet for the 2019 ESPYs, Bachelor alum, Colton Underwood, commented and compared his infamous fence jump to Hannah’s windmill sex confession while speaking to Entertainment Tonight.

Colton’s entire season of The Bachelor fans eagerly awaited to learn why the heck Colton decided to jump an incredibly high fence. Of course, we learned it was because Cassie broke up with him which broke his heart and led him to run away and quit the show. But we all know that story ended in a happy ending!

"I say what the fence was to me, the windmill is to Hannah. But talk about a bomb getting dropped! I’m here for all of it! I know it’s sort of polar opposite of what my take on my season was, but I think that’s what’s so cool about the Bachelor franchise, is everybody has their own twists to things."

According to Underwood, regardless of whether you are a virgin (like he was) or not, people criticize you, and there is just “no middle ground”. And I think that’s a fair assessment to make of all Bachelor Nation shows in general. There’s no neutrality in any of these situations, and it’s just how the game is played.

Bachelorette certainly has been filled with drama this season, and it’s safe to say that it isn’t over just yet. But we’d like to know, what is your opinion? Hannah’s windmill confession or Colton’s fence jump? Hmmm…that’s a tough one.

Next. Hannah B. had sex with THIS person in a windmill–maybe. dark

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below and remember to catch new episodes of The Bachelorette every Monday on ABC at 9 PM EST!