Jed Wyatt has spoken out amongst allegations that he was in a relationship before coming on The Bachelorette.
The Bachelorette has been dramatic, insane, and a bit on the crazy side this time around, and at the center of it, well a lot of the contestants. But, most recently, singer Jed Wyatt has taken over headlines with allegations that he was in a relationship when he went on The Bachelorette. His ex, Haley Stevens, came out just a few weeks ago claiming that Jed called her when he arrived in L.A. and told her he loved her and would call upon his return.
Her allegations went as far as stating that he went on the show to further his music career and then completely ghosted her when all was said and done. But wait, it gets worse! She also said that Jed cheated on her and then she proceeded to share some incriminating texts. It’s no wonder the internet despises Jed, who was a fan-favorite when all of this started.
We hadn’t really heard much from Jed after Stevens came forward but then something changed. Since the season isn’t over yet, he can’t really say much of anything, but according to an Instagram post from earlier this week, Jed claims his family has been the subject of ridicule and threats because of all of this.
The guy may be a sleazebag, but do people really have to go after his family? Well, after the hometowns episode, many people aren’t exactly fans of Jed’s family either who were extremely standoffish and rude towards our girl, Hannah. I still don’t think it elicits such aggressive behavior though. His family should be kept out of it.
Jed, on the other hand, is not on my list of favorites and these allegations are really making him look all kinds of horrible and slimy. And because of this, social media is erupting with all kinds of hateful memes–some of which you can’t help but laugh at. But seriously, guys, leave his family alone.
These are the “You weren’t supposed to make it this far...what’s your girlfriend going to think about all this?” faces. #TheBachelorette #Jed
— Nathan Hancock (@NathanHancock) July 9, 2019
It’ll be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out, especially after Hannah decided not to eliminate anyone after hometowns. Side note: The look on Jed’s face when he realized he was neck-to-neck with Luke P. was hilarious.
Honestly, this season has been so darn unpredictable that it could be anyone’s game at this point. But I’m seriously sending out some positive vibes for Tyler C. Seriously, why doesn’t she see how great he is?! Sigh.
Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below and remember to catch new episodes of The Bachelorette every Monday on ABC at 9 PM EST!