The Bachelor finale: 3 killer quotes to remember during your own breakup

THE BACHELOR - "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" - Twenty of the most unforgettable women this season will return to confront each other and Colton and offer the lowdown on their quarrels and personal hostilities as they battled to capture Colton's heart. Chris Harrison takes a look back at some of the "memorable breakdowns and breakups" in series history. Dramatic feuds are revived between Oneyka and Nicole, Demi and Courtney, and Katie and Caelynn. Colton also must face the scrutiny of the women he sent home, while the ladies must defend their own behavior. Then take a look at some of the hilarious bloopers from this season and a sneak peek of one of the most unpredictable endings in franchise history on "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All," TUESDAY, MARCH 5 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eric McCandless)CHRIS HARRISON, COLTON UNDERWOOD
THE BACHELOR - "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" - Twenty of the most unforgettable women this season will return to confront each other and Colton and offer the lowdown on their quarrels and personal hostilities as they battled to capture Colton's heart. Chris Harrison takes a look back at some of the "memorable breakdowns and breakups" in series history. Dramatic feuds are revived between Oneyka and Nicole, Demi and Courtney, and Katie and Caelynn. Colton also must face the scrutiny of the women he sent home, while the ladies must defend their own behavior. Then take a look at some of the hilarious bloopers from this season and a sneak peek of one of the most unpredictable endings in franchise history on "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All," TUESDAY, MARCH 5 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eric McCandless)CHRIS HARRISON, COLTON UNDERWOOD

The Bachelor finale part 1 was full of dramatic gems. Here are 3 of the best one-liners to remember for the next time you’re facing Colton-level drama.

Even the biggest critics of The Bachelor have to admit: last night’s finale really was one of the most dramatic ever. It was full of shockers and very genuine, vulnerable moments courtesy of the contestants. Colton’s fence jump may have been hyped for weeks, but it wasn’t even the best part of the episode!

The Bachelor finale gave us some real gems when it came to inspirational quotes. Chris Harrison proved he’s the king of practical breakup advice and Hannah G. swooped in for some female empowerment. Here’s a minor spoiler alert before you move on and catch up on the top 3 quotes to remember from last night’s episode.

“What if the bottom line is she’s just not that into you?”

Dang, Chris Harrison, you were dropping some truth bombs last night! When our beloved host came to Colton to talk about Cassie’s breakup, he didn’t just let the Bachelor whine it out. He asked the hard questions and forced Colton to confront the possibility that Cassie may have left simply because, well, she wanted to leave.

Unfortunately, the wisdom seemed to fall on deaf ears as Colton had his mind made up. We’re guessing that it was Cassie’s aloofness that drove him over the edge, a theory you can read all about here. Whatever really happened between them, though, you’ll definitely want to pocket this little nugget of wisdom for the next time you face a heartache of your own.

“I always make people better and they never stick around.”

Stab to the heart! Recently axed contestant Hannah G. laid this one on the Bachelor after he dumped her for Cassie. Overall, she took the breakup shockingly well and even had the soundness of mind to make some solid arguments for why she would have been a better pick.

Hannah G. seems to recognize her worth and she will not let a man ruin that for her. She’s strong and independent and, frankly, probably a little better off without the fixated, weeping man who sat next to her. To those who are hurting right now: remember that you’re like Hannah! You have something good to bring to the table. It’s just not this partner that deserves your attention.

“I want someone who will jump a fence for me.”


This season of The Bachelor has been the season of female empowerment. It’s covered everything from Caelynn Miller-Keyes’ sexual assault to Hannah Brown’s classy, optimistic exit message. Now, Hannah G. is swooping in with her own quality sound bite: she knows what she wants and now she (hopefully) knows that she is more than worthy of getting it.

Girl, pack your bikini. Paradise is calling and you will totally slay.

What did you think of last night’s The Bachelor finale? Were there any other quotes that stuck with you after the credits rolled?